
Diversions or terrorist attacks: what can actually threaten the Russian Federation in response to her radar attacks

The Russian authorities for the first time commented on reports of the strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the radar stations of the Russian system warning about rocket attack (SPRN). What mechanisms are threatening to involve Moscow, and whether it will really decide on a serious escalation, found out the focus.

The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov said the day before that Moscow's response to the actions of Kiev, which concerns Russian sprh, could be "asymmetric", and added: "feels" and Washington, who "constantly encourages" such attacks. "The regime in Kiev is trying to violate the normal functioning of important units of our military organization, in particular those related to the strategic sphere. These intentions will inevitably be stopped," Ryabkov stressed.

According to him, Washington's approach in this story is "as irresponsible as possible. " "They (USA-Red. ) Written Indulgence of Kiev for any crimes, for any shares of this kind and do nothing to stop the dangerous provocative steps of their wards. But for them-for the US-this is not free , and they feel the consequences, " - stated the Russian diplomat. Meanwhile, what the consequences for Washington are, Sergei Ryabkov did not speak in detail.

"We are as responsible and extremely cautiously as possible with everything related to strategic balance violations or creating certain threats to resources that provide strategic parity. Therefore, to think about what the nature of our response to the response may be absolutely for me. irresponsible, "he summarized. The fact that one of the SPRP radar-"Voronezh-DM" under the armavir in the Krasnodar region was attacked by the Ukrainian drone, reported on May 23.

Three days later, on May 26, there was an attempt to attack the drone on another such object-RLS SPRN "Voronezh-M" near Orsk in the Orenburg region. Earlier, namely on April 17, drones attacked the container radar near Kovilkino in Mordovia. It should be noted that SPRN is one of the key elements of the system of combat management of Russia's strategic nuclear forces. However, by June 3, the Russian authorities did not comment on these blows.

Only the former head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin, who is quoted by Roszma, spoke about it, noting that the corresponding messages can be a "fake of the Armed Forces". Meanwhile, Rogozin suggested that a blow to the SPRN object in the Krasnodar region was stated on his own initiative of Kiev or at the order of a military maniac of the Armed Forces, who wants to ignite the Third World War.

" But at the same time, he added that "Washington's deep involvement in this armed conflict and American total control over Kiev's military planning, the version that the United States is unaware of Ukrainian plans for the task of blowing the missile defense system, can be rejected. " The experts with whom the focus spoke with are differently evaluated angry signals from Moscow and the purpose they are intended to achieve. "Mr.

Ryabkov, I will remind, is the person in whom before the start of a full -scale invasion was offset by the" Borzometer ". In particular, this character used the vocabulary of the gopniks, saying that NATO collects the manuses and goes to the borders of 97. Rhetoric, although the threatening notes have not disappeared.

According to the expert, it is clear that Ryabkov tries to intimidate Ukraine first by the fact that the Russian Federation will press on the United States and thus reduce the support of Kiev. "Obviously, the United States was not interested in blows to the Russian RLS of a long detection, because for them the preservation of parity in nuclear confrontation is very important. But it is quite clear that Ukraine itself defines the goals that it can beat.

Rather, Russia's desire to limit the possibility of using American weapons, " - said Dmitry Levus. The political scientist believes that the Russian Federation is currently achieving the United States "even the limited permission to strikes in the Russian Federation. " "And all the statements concerning the SPRN are an attempt to click on Kiev by the hands of the United States," the expert concludes.

For his part, political scientist Alexander Kochetkov in conversation with focus notes the following: "Will there be any real actions of the Russian Federation, which is declared by the deputy Lavrov, it is probably quite difficult to say. To threaten the Baltic countries. At some embassy or US military base.

" Emphasizing that with such a script, Donald Trump will be extremely severely criticized by the American power "and Biden will lose some rating scores", Alexander Kochetkov summarized: "That is, some local terrorist attack is actually the only thing that the Russians can really do in the real Actions. "The Russians periodically come out with threatening statements. The last such" big "statement was about symmetrical consequences on Finland and Sweden after their entry into NATO.

But as a result, the Russians were limited to regular problems on the border line in connection with the pressure of migrants, why they just contributed to The Russian state bodies are obviously, despite Ryabkov's loud statements, it will be this time, because the war has already gone beyond the logic of fears and various red lines, "political scientist Oleg Posternak emphasizes in conversation with focus.

"The Russian army is now very seriously stuck in the war in Ukraine and frightening someone else in some hostilities, let's say so, seriously. But to talk about various diplomatic hybrids, sabotage, operations, it is possible, because it is what the Putin regime is really capable" , - adds the expert. In his opinion, real military threats in Ryabkov's words should not be seen.

"The worst thing is a tactical nuclear weapon, but the Russians, if used, except in space, thus showing the United States its capabilities and capacity. Also, the Russian Federation can use some new species, say, chemical weapons, although it is also unlikely, since consequences The Russian Federation is also aware of, " - concludes Oleg Posternak.

Meanwhile, the sources of The Washington Post in the US administration claim that the White House is concerned about the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces regarding the elements of SPRN. According to one of the interlocutors of the publication, "these objects were not involved" in Russia's operation in Ukraine.

"But they are vulnerable, as Russia may suspect that its strategic restraint potential is a target," the unnamed official explained, noting that it can "harm strategic stability between Washington and Moscow. " Russia, he added, "may think that it has reduced the ability to detect nuclear activity against it at an early stage, which can be a big problem. " "It should be obvious that the United States does not intend to use nuclear weapons against Russia.

But, of course, there is concern how Russia can perceive targeting its potential for restraint and attack on early warning systems," the interlocutor admitted. However, the informed source in the state structures of Ukraine stated the newspaper that Russia has used the relevant radar stations to intercept Ukrainian missiles and drones. According to him, according to these objects, there is the General Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR MOU).

It is worth noting that these are not the first attacks on strategic objects in the Russian Federation. Thus, in December 2022, the Armed Forces also attacked the bases of strategic aviation of Russia (Diagilevo in the Ryazan region and Engels in the Saratov region). The white house then stated that they did not encourage such attacks and do not contribute to them.