
Neither income nor the army. That is wrong with the idea to release from mobilization in exchange for taxes

In Ukraine, there is now a booking of employees of critical enterprises and organizations, the list of which is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. But in the President's office, they consider the opportunity to increase the circle of boiled conscripts by dissemination of booking to those who have high official income and, accordingly, a considerable amount of PITs paid on a monthly basis.

The President's office considers the new idea of ​​dismissal of conscripts from mobilization through reservation, and the basis for this may be the level of official salary and paid on a monthly basis of personal income tax (PIT). In particular, it is said that the mobilization will be bored if the person receives a certain amount of PIT for a month. For example, the criterion may be the amount of 6 thousand UAH. This means about 33. 4 thousand UAH. monthly salary.

They also consider the option of establishing the minimum required salary threshold for the acquisition of a ground for booking in the amount of 35 thousand UAH. Another option may be the reservation of employees for which the employer pays about 14. 5 thousand UAH of ESA (corresponds to the salary level of 66 thousand UAH). Focus interfered with experts about the feasibility and economic grounds to introduce similar changes in the reservation procedure from mobilization.

Alexei Gerashchenko, an economist, teacher of finances at KMBS, explains that economic relations can not be considered as exhaustive, and try to reduce everything to them. After all, in this case it is not about economic benefits, but about the defense of the country. And if you reduce everything here to the question of money, it will mean that, in addition to money, there are virtually no different meanings in society.

In addition, the economic meaning of the proposal to book taxpayers is quite weak, the expert says. "If you imagine that a million men with shadow revenues declare such income as offered (about 35 thousand hryvnias per month), it will be about additional budget revenues at the level of about UAH 150 billion a year. And the shortage of our budget is 1. 6 trillions .

That is, we solve the problem of financing the deficit less than 10% (respectively do not solve), split the society (what is further? Voting only those who have income higher than a certain level?), Dividing it into classes with different rights, we promote paid legalized evasion of mobilization (you temporarily pay taxes at the highest level and thus buy indulgence).

People will perceive them not as legalization of income, but as a payment for certain privileges, which suddenly turned into a market product. Which, in addition, does not solve any economic problems, " - says Alexei Gerashchenko. Thus, according to Paul Kuhta, ex-V. O. The Minister of Economy, the Head of Political Issues of the Kyiv School of Economics, the booking of paid taxes should be introduced with demobilization, and it must be done urgently.

"Since the emotions of war we can only lose - booking on paid taxes we need to be unambiguously introduced. I think it is a good attempt to establish new civilized norms of society when we go in the third year of the war. War for exhaustion is the war of economics, and the extent of efficiency It has a level of income that a person creates for the state.

Removing high -yielding personnel from the economy and sending them to low army positions, we undermine our own defense capacity, " - wrote Pavel Kuhta on his Facebook page. Some experts call the proposal to book vulgar and destructive taxes, which does not solve any economic tasks, but with the thought of the expediency to set a criterion for booking the amount of taxes is not agreed by Vladimir Dubrovsky, senior economist Case Ukraine.

He is convinced that if you talk about the booking of those who have high income, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the paid taxes, but also to the share of GDP a certain person. "The same Ityshniki can pay smaller taxes, but to issue a significant proportion of GDP. The same is the FOPs. They create a proportion of GDP and have employees who are provided with work and for whom they also pay taxes.

And if just a person working goes to, goes to Troops, one workplace is lost, if FOPA is taken away, several jobs and a considerable piece of GDP are lost. In his opinion, additional mobilization is a clearly negative impact on the country's GDP, and budget revenues in the form of taxes are important, but to close the budget deficit by those who, in the end, by introducing booking by tax criteria, will "bleach" (shows its income).

Housing expert Oleg Popenko says that in Ukraine today up to 95% of the population receive a salary of less than 30 thousand UAH. In fact, poor segments of the population will remain unprotected, which can lead to social explosions in society. "There is no economy here, according to the developers of this project. And it cannot be, because in Ukraine there is a war for 2 years, and it is impossible to find additional funds in the economy of enterprises.

Either the construction of roads in frontlines, or in customs where billions pass by the state budget, " - said Popenko. Experts advise the authorities to look for funds for the state budget at the customs, and not to create regular problems by dividing society into rich and poor Vladimir Dubrovsky also indicates that in the issue of reservation by tax criterion is the contradiction between efficiency and justice.

"After all, speaking of economic efficiency, in a market economy, a person who earns more and, accordingly, pays more taxes, is more valuable to society. It will be effective for such people to hide from mobilization. But speaking from the point of view of the average man who says says "Why not rich in the army, but the poor send to death?", Then such a view has the right to exist. The question of moral choice, is not easy and not obvious.

There is no expert criterion for choosing between efficiency and justice, "Vladimir Dubrovsky says . He adds that it is impossible only from an economic point of view to analyze the issue of reservation from mobilization by income or taxes, as it is perceived by society as injustice. Political scientist Victor Taran is convinced that the idea of ​​reservation by tax criteria is extremely harmful and can lead to a social explosion.

In his opinion, those people who bring the victory, or infrastructure enterprises, or defense plants, or officials of certain categories or police, that is, persons who carry out the functions of the state and retain the state, deserve the reservation.

Experts say: we need to review the booking norms that exist in order to make the procedure clearer and more transparent and to distinguish several specific professions that are entitled to reservations "Excuse Doctrine and we create a hired army and declare the world gathering? And as soon as something similar to the announced proposals for reservation by tax criterion will be approved, we will immediately be destroyed by information. - said Viktor Taran in conversation with focus.