
Balletics - in turn: the Russian Federation receives from Iran the managed aircraft - isw (photo)

Russian Su-25 aircraft can be compatible with Iranian managed bombs. However, the US authorities did not specify whether Iran transmits the individual components of managed aviation or ready -made ammunition. US National Security Council John Kirby reported on November 21 that Iran was supplying the Russian Federation with corrected aviation bombs and may be preparing to transfer small range ballistic missiles. This was reported in the summary of the Institute of War Study of November 22.

ISW analysts note that the use of managed bombs has increased recently by the Russian occupation group. These are modified Fab-500, CAC-500 and RPK-500, which are supplemented with special modules. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation involve them in the estuary and Kherson directions. Kirby still did not specify whether Iran was supplying to Russia by the individual components of managed aircraft, or the designs of these devices are ready.

The project of The Critical Threats Project (CTP) on August 14 noted that Iran produces various plaster bombs: ghaem, yasin (long -range), Sadid and Balaban. And, according to Russian sources, the Su-25 AFIs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can be compatible with Iranian managed bombs. Iran also represented several variants of these devices at the Russian Army 2023, which took place in Moscow in August this year.

They may have been demonstrated by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during a visit to Tehran in September. According to Kirby, Iran continues to supply the Russian Federation with drones and artillery ammunition.

On November 6, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Major-General Vadim Skibitsky, stated that Iran may continue to send small batches of Shahd-131/136 drones to the Russian Federation, despite the fact that the Russian Federation is trying to produce their own "shahas". Recall that in the United States told how much money remained to help Ukraine. It was also reported that the Pentagon commented on a statement of whether the US had reduced weapons to Ukraine by 30%.