
Mysterious jet drone with "balls" attacked the Russian Federation: how made and whether they could run the Armed Forces

The Russians complained about black drones that allegedly fly to their cities. According to experts, such UAVs can carry 20 kg of explosives at a speed of up to 500 km/h. The forces of Ukraine's defense allegedly attack Russia with new reactive drones with a powerful combat part. This was reported on February 7 by the Russian Telegram-channel "UAVS RESPONSIBLE", publishing a photo of fragments of one or more unknown aircraft.

The pictures depict a drone "Flying Wing" with a large enough nozzle, probably for jet thrust. UAVs were damaged in several places, his nose, wings and tail fell. However, it does not disclose where such devices were found in Russia, there was also no information about any victims or damage as a result of their blows. The author of the channel states that the glider building is made of molded fiberglass, wooden nervous, carbon frame and host, and very qualitatively.

The drones have German turbojet engines Jetcat P400-PRO worth about 10,000 euros, they provide 43 kg of thrust and consume 1. 4 liters of fuel per minute at full load. On each element you can see the sticker with the number. Drones are assumed in disassembled form, and this marking helps to collect them in Ukraine. Photos also show the combat part of the mysterious drone. It has a fragmentary-fugitive combat part, a "Nativ" detonator, as well as a cavity filled with metal balls.

It is noted that the combat unit is probably made in Ukraine, as it has previously been met on various UAVs. "States continue to work for the design of Ersats Kamikadze for their proxy. In favor of this version, the fact that the tubit is not often used. Much less than other types of drones of Ukrainian production. It is likely to be the same way. However, to ours The bridge comes and the charge carries a great, " - commented the Russian analyst.

Engineer Vitaliy Brizgalov, who controls the project for the production of Ukrainian drones-Kamikadze "Cobra" (Cobra), also shared with focus thoughts about mysterious jet. According to him, it is possible to fly anything in order for the thrust and allowing the load on the wing. There are examples of drones with a very strange design that, however, fly. The main thing is that the engine power is sufficient, it is usually measured by the thrust in kilograms.

"If there is enough power supply, why not. Usually in aircraft schemes, the thrust should be from a third to half the weight of the aircraft. In our example, I will say that we have a nominal engine thrust - 15 kilograms, and this allows to lift up to 45 kilograms of weight . 43 kg is a good indicator, probably indicated by the maximum craving of the engine, which it can develop in static conditions or at a certain height, nominal in this case will be about 30 kilograms.

Aircraft usually reach 60% -80% of this indicator. The only one is The disadvantage of jet engines is a huge fuel consumption, about 1 liter per minute, " - said the specialist. Vitaliy Brizgalov calculated for focus how much fuel will need a drone with an engine similar to Jetcat P400-PRO to fly deep into Russia at least 200 kilometers. When starting, jet UAVs are always heavier because of fuel, but as it is burned, they become easier and the speed increases.

First, the drone will fly slowly, but then peel up to 450-500 km/h, if the structure stands. In this case, the average speed will be about 200-250 km/h, and the 200 km will take an hour. If the engine burns about 1 liter of fuel per minute, then it will take a full tank for 60 liters. "The same mathematics also applies to the Shahaned reactive" Shahaned ". At first it will fly slowly, gradually accelerating to fly 500 km, he will need 80 liters of fuel.

He will be able to lift such weight, but the combat part will decrease greatly," Vitaly added. If an engine is used with a maximum thrust of 43 kg, then you can assume 90-100 kg of run weight, of which the aircraft itself weighs 30-60 kg, and another 30-35 kg falls on fuel. In this, it is capable of carrying the combat part of about 20 kg, but only if you have to fly kilometers for 200-300, no more. Otherwise, you will have to increase the fuel supply and reduce the amount of explosives.

In a comment to the focus, Ukrainian military expert and observer Mikhail Zhirokhov evaluated the photos and statements of the Russians about UAV, allegedly launched by Ukraine. According to him, reactive drones for Ukrainians have long been known, and their creation was only a matter of time and access to Western components. The engines in Ukraine were also, but their capacity was not enough to deliver the fighting part a long distance.

"I see that they found access to small-sized jet engines of Western production. History develops in a spiral, one can mention the experiments of the Germans during World War II with FUU-1, which was also with a jet engine. The engine has advanced further and can. In the distance of the lesion, how many drones can fly, as jet engines require a lot of fuel. One case "Shahaned", where there is a moped engine that consumes some grams per kilometer and can fly thousands of kilometers.

The big tank is needed and fuel is needed ", - he said. Earlier there was information, added Mikhail Zhirokhov that one of the German firms supplies to Ukraine "designers" in the form of fuselages, wings, tail plumage. Ukrainians need to assemble the housing and then install the stuffing: control systems, engines and equipment separately. It can be anything, how much fantasy and money will be enough.

As for the combat part, it has many types and variations, as they are often made manually from a variety of materials. "These are Kulibins. As a rule, if volunteers are engaged in this, people who are returned in this case, then charges are not made series, but from what is at hand. Very often for the combat part use grenades from RPG-7, disassemble everything, all, What is bad for what can be made of an explosive device.

Volunteers came to me and asked if there were bearings that could be disassembled and transferred to the front to those who make drones, "the expert said. When combat drones are used enthusiasts, they are not thinking about the effectiveness of the lesion. If the combat part is fragile, it is obviously designed to destroy the power, because they are unlikely to be able to break through combat equipment. Because of this, Mikhail Zhirokhov is difficult to assess the effectiveness of such drones.

"There are goals when" wing "rises, long track, then fPV arrive there, everything is controlled and recorded. And there are enthusiasts. When I heard about it, I asked: how can it be? Vasya-engineer, he likes to bother with it-let him take. We hold on to him as far as possible, God forbid. He sits in a separate armor, collapses, volunteers bring something, he then launches something. " In January, a new UAV was tested in Ukraine in Ukraine.