
Will decrease by 65%: Russian gas supplies to the EU predict a sharp collapse

The supply of pipeline gas to the European Union in 2023 can be reduced to 25-30 billion cubic meters compared to 150 billion in 2022. Against the background of international sanctions of Russian gas, there is less and less in Europe. Countries, although gradually, but refuse to the energy carrier of the Russian Federation and, according to the international energy agency, by the end of 2023 the supply of Russian pipeline gas to the EU countries will be only 25-30 billion cubic meters.

It is noted that this is about seven times less than the 140 billion cubic meters, which the countries of the block received from Moscow in 2021. At the same time, in 2022, when Moscow launched a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, Russian supplies to the EU were quite high and amounted to 60 billion cubic meters. In 2024, a new stage of reduction of deliveries from Russia will be held. The reason: a transit gas contract between Ukraine and Russia will end.

"This forecast assumes that only the second thread of the Turkish flow (15. 75 billion cubic meters per year) will supply Russian gas to the European Union since 2025," IEA writes. At the end of September 2023, Naftogaz, Alexei Chernyshov, explained that our country was passing Russian gas through its territory only in order not to violate the interests of its European allies. "This is simply to support European countries, especially those who do not have access to the sea.

Some have limited access to other channels, such as Czechs, Austrians, Hungarians, Slovaks and others. It is a very important question," he said. He also noted that the transit contract, signed in 2019 between Naftogaz and Gazprom, ends in 2024. "Any commercial, practical or contractual relations between the parties in such conditions are impossible," Chernyshov emphasized.