
In the Russian Federation restricted the work of the media: State Duma amended the Presidential Election Act

Amendments to the Election Law provide for an electoral procedure in the conditions of martial law in certain regions. Russian President Volodymyr Putin has signed the amendment approved by the Parliament to the Law on Elections of the Head of State. The changes in the law are aimed at limiting the activities of the press during the election campaign and on the day of the election. About it reports Deutsche Welle. The document on amendments to the law was published on Tuesday, November 14.

Amendments are further limited to freedom of speech and impede the independent coverage of the election campaign and the voting. Among the amendments: The new law also provides for the presidential election procedure in the context of martial law in certain regions.

According to the text of the law, the voting in such circumstances will not be canceled, but the procedure will be approved only after "consultations of the Central Election Commission from the Ministry of Defense, the FSB and the head of the respective region". Currently, martial law in the Russian Federation has not been introduced in any region, including areas bordering Ukraine. The bill was approved by the State Duma on October 25 and approved by the Federation Council on November 8.

We will remind, it became known when the presidential elections will be held in Russia. Russian journalists write that the presidential election can take place on February 17, on the anniversary of the approval of the project on the "accession" of Crimea to Russia. Earlier, Focus wrote that Putin would not focus on the war in Ukraine during the election.