
Chooses children and relatives: Putin can prepare successors for his regime - isw

According to analysts, the Kremlin Head also more often appoints economists for leadership positions in the Ministry of Defense to improve Russia's defense and industrial base. Kremlin head Vladimir Putin can prepare for his regime successors from children, relatives or children of other Russian officials. Analysts of the American Institute for War Study (ISW) reported.

The report of June 17 states that Putin had released four deputies of the Minister of Defense and replaced them with a "close relative" Anna Tsiper, as well as the son of former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Pavel Fradkov. Leonid Gornin was appointed the first Deputy Minister of Defense.

It is reported that Tsivileva is a cousin of Putin, his wife of the recently appointed Minister of Energy Sergey Tsivilev and the chairman of the Kremlin -initiated Foundation "Defenders of the Fatherland". And Fradkov is the son of the former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Director of Foreign Intelligence Service Mikhail Fradkov. He held the position of the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration since 2021.

ISW believes that the appointment of civilian, Fradkov and Gornin indicate that Putin wants to present his relatives and children of other high -ranking officials to the Russian public. Thus, Tsivilev and Fradkov participated in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum together with Putin's daughters and children of other high -ranking officials on June 6 and 7. Analysts noted that Putin is more likely to appoint economists for leadership positions in the Ministry of Defense.

"These appointments indicate that Putin prefers to appoint officials whom he considers loyal to the regime and economists to improve Russia's defense-industrial base. Putin may also try to prepare possible successors of his regime from his children and relative Also children of other high -ranking officials, ”the report reads. We will remind, during the purges of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on April 23 arrested Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Ivanov.