
In China created a battery for energy weapons: withstands 8,000 recharge cycles

The 40165 battery was created on a normal battery production line for electric vehicles without the use of special technologies. Chinese scientists created by the capacitor battery 40165 can become the first in the world to provide the People's Armed for energy with energy weapons tested at the beginning of the month. About it writes South China Morning Post. Researchers have stated that this special battery has been created on a regular line for assembling automobile batteries for electric trucks.

This indicates that the growing car industry of China will contribute to the development of next generation weapons. According to a team of scientists, headed by a junior researcher, Jana Javay, from the University of Electronic Sciences and Technology, the 40165 battery can be the first in the world to produce energy as quickly as a super -condenser. The battery is based on a revolutionary structure and has a record power density that was previously considered impossible.

It can release all its energy from 12 to 36 seconds, and full recharge takes only three minutes. One battery 40165 is about a small beverage jar. The tests showed that it can operate at temperatures up to a minus 60 ° C and have a life of up to 8,000 recharge cycles, which is much higher than in most lithium batteries.

The publication writes that the Chinese high -speed rail industry produces high -yielding super -condensers for some of these weapons, but although they have a quick discharge, they can only store a small amount of energy. In order to ensure multiple work during battle, these capacitors should usually work with a traditional battery unit - a hybrid structure that is complex, cumbersome, expensive and sometimes unstable.

The new 40165 battery can reduce the size and weight of existing energy sources for two -thirds of weapons, which is a "revolutionary engineering achievement," researchers say. Although the battery demanded the expensive of lithium technology, all the steps of scientists were based on the basic capabilities of the main production line in China. "The production process covers the production of cellulose, coating, rolling, cutting, winding, welding, injection, molding and sorting by power.

It is a conventional technology of lithium batteries without any special process, ready for mass production," says Yang Zazavay. Researchers have said the battery can be scaled to meet the energy needs of various weapons systems. They also expect that this technology will be used for civilian purposes, for example, in heavy vehicles that need a lot of energy. Earlier, focus wrote that scientists solved the main problem of water zinc-ion batteries. That's what they are better than Lithium.