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Archaeologists excavated the grave of a Frankish warrior, buried with weapons an...

Sleep, shield and jewelry: in Germany found a grave of a medieval warrior along with weapons (photo)

Archaeologists excavated the grave of a Frankish warrior, buried with weapons and a shield more than thirteen centuries ago. Among the found artifacts are sleeping, a long sword that comes from the Cavalry blades of the late Roman Empire. Excavations carried out in June took place in the early medieval cemetery. These archaeological studies began in March in Ingelhaim, a town adjacent to the Rhine River, about 40 kilometers west of Frankfurt am Main, Live Science writes.

In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! The remains indicate that the man in question was a man between the ages of 30 and 40, probably died in the seventh century. His burial was accompanied by Seaks, a short ruble sword with an iron blade and a bronze arms, an iron knife and a spear, although only the iron tip was preserved from the latter.

The grave also found the remains of a wooden shield, from which only the central metal part is preserved. Christoph Bassler, the head of excavations and archaeologist from the Kaiserphalz Research Center in Ingelhaim, said that this cemetery was used from the fifth to eighth century and served neighboring settlements and farms. It is noteworthy that several neighboring graves were robbed later, but the place of rest of the warrior remains untouched.

With regard to the socio-economic status of the deceased, Bassler noted that although he belonged to the wealthy segment of his community, he did not possess much wealth. His weapons were highly skill, but there were no signs of luxury available for the elite in the tomb. Archaeologists suggest that this grave belongs to the early era of Meroving, which covers approximately 500-750 years AD.

This period marks the early stage of the Frankish Germanan -speaking empire, which later came under the rule of Charlemagne and his successors of Caroling after 768 AD. The X -ray examination of the warrior belt revealed silver wires inlaid into an iron buckle and accessories that demonstrates a style that has reached its climax in the seventh century.

Bassler and his team intend to expose organic remains of radiocarbon dating and carefully examine the skeleton for signs of combat injuries, which can potentially clarify the cause of death. A kind of "outside the coffin" of a skeleton, which is characterized by narrow and slightly raised shoulders, hints at the use of the coffin during burial, although none of its wooden components survive.

Bassler distinguished the importance of sleeping in the grave, claiming that she served as the main weapon of the warrior. The length of the sword from the sleeve to the edge is approximately 93 centimeters, and the length of the blade is 75 cm. These swords, which initially used the Horse Troops of the Late Roman Empire because of their efficiency in battle, later became a standard weapon in the wars of the early Middle Ages.

Subsequently, the term "spatha" turned into modern English words "Spatula" and "Spade". The grave shows that the Frankish warrior did not fought on a horse, since there is no evidence of the presence of spurs or equipment related to animals. The proximity of this place to the Rhine River and the Roman settlement Mohontiakum (now the city of Mainz) deserves attention, since this area was later chosen for one of the Imperial palaces of Charles the Great in the VIII century.

The study of other graves in the cemetery showed the skill of the inhabitants in the craft, as well as their tendency to art and ornamentation. The glass was a common material for the manufacture of drinking vessels, even among the less wealthy segments of the population, and made complex necklaces worn by women. Earlier, Focus wrote about gold jewelry 2,000 years old, which was accidentally found in Spain. We also told how a 500-year-old artifact was found in the Polish castle during excavations.