
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation declared extremist and banned the "International Movement of LGBT" (video)

From now on, LGBT-movement representatives in Russia can be imprisoned for 12 years, explained local media. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation announced a decision on the activities of the International Public Movement of LGBT. Since November 30, any activity in this area will be considered extremist and will be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code of Russia. The decision of the Russian judge was written in the Telegram-channel of the Russian agency "RIA Novosti".

The post states that the "international social movement of LGBT" is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation. The judge also noted that the decision came into force from the moment of publication. In a video shot by journalists at the scene, the judge performs in the medical mask, closing his face. However, the media was indicated by his name - Oleg Nefyodov. Rossma published a lawyer's comment shortly after the decision of the Armed Forces of Russia.

The Russian lawyer pointed out that, in his opinion, it concerns the "international movement", but it seems not to touch on individual LGBT people. Meanwhile, the Russian BBC service explained that the offensive on the LGBT movement in Russia began in the fall of last year. First, in November 2022, the State Duma deputies completely banned what was considered in the Russian Federation for "gay propaganda" (before this banned the same activity among minors).

In July 2023 - - they banned the transition. On November 17, the Ministry of Justice was asked to ban the "International Movement of LGBT". At the same time, journalists noted that there is no such "international" organization in the world. According to the decision of the Supreme Court, if there is a suspicion of extremist activity, which has now become the activity of the LGBT community, then the Russian may receive administrative or criminal punishment.

Administrative punishment - fine up to 800 thousand rubles. Criminal - up to 12 years of colony. They will be punished for the following actions: participation or financing of LGBT organizations, provision of services, dissemination of information, including in social networks. Meanwhile, the day before it became known about another decision of Russian government officials.

In particular, the media claim that at the entrance to the Russian Federation, foreigners should sign a special document that promises to maintain exclusively "traditional values". At the same time, the focus wrote about the Russian-Russian Russians, whom President Vladimir Putin released from punishment. Among the liberated are cannibals who killed several Russians and then went to fight in Ukraine.