
Strokes on the Armed Forces airfields: how can you fight Russian UAV reconnaissance in the rear of Ukraine

To destroy the dangerous Russian UAVs, it is necessary to use the means of air defense, the HRS systems, drones-interceptors and even light aviation, says Alexander Kovalenko. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launch in the rear of Ukraine intelligence unmanned aerial vehicles, which strike the airfields and logistics of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

How to deal with these devices, the article of the coordinator of the group "Information resistance" of Alexander Kovalenko on the portal OBOZ. ua. According to a military analyst, most often the occupiers use drones "Orlan-10", which fly at an altitude of 5 to 6 kilometers. Under the control of the operator, they fly 120 kilometers in the rear of Ukraine, and offline by 600 kilometers. In this case, UAV is 90% of foreign components.

In addition to "Orlan-10", the invaders also use zala, supercam drones and "Cartographer". They all fly about 5 kilometers at a distance of 100-200 kilometers. "Now the most important thing is how to resist the intelligence activities of Russian UAVs in the rear zone of Ukraine and why it does not work," - the article reads. The air defense systems (air defense) systems of the near and average radius of action are used to destroy Russian reconnaissance UAVs. However, such installations are scarce.

During the full -scale war, the number of Soviet anti -aircraft missile systems (SACs) decreased in Ukraine, but also less missiles.

"When did you last heard a call for the transfer of Crotal or Alvis Stormer to Ukraine? Who at the official level appealed to our partners for the transfer from the warehouses of the Roland or MIM -72A/M48 Chaparral from the operation of the CRCs or MIM -72A/M48?" As for mobile interception groups (IGP), according to the analyst, they are well knocked down "Shahda" flying at a height of 1-1. 5 kilometers, but not all portable anti-aircraft complexes can affect targets at a height of 5 kilometers.

According to Oleksandr Kovalenko, light aircraft of the type "Yak-52" can become an effective remedy against Russian reconnaissance UAVs. In April, the first videos appeared on which "Yak-52" knocks down "Orlan-10" over Odessa, but, according to the expert, such planes are used longer, just not said in public.

The expert believes that Ukraine should include light piston and turbovine aviation in the list of requests for foreign partners, especially since there are experienced pilots in the country. According to him, the Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano and even light shock helicopters such as Bell AH-1Z Viper, which the US Navy annually be sold at auctions, would come to this. It should be borne in mind that planes such as "Yak-52" will not be as effective as in Odessa.

For example, in Kharkiv, such a plane will be the purpose of either aviation or aircraft. This method of interception is more suitable for the Dnieper, Zaporozhye and Poltava region. Oleksandr Kovalenko considers cheap drones-interceptors a good solution for those areas where the use of air defense products is limited and it is impossible to work with light aviation. Ukrainian defenders have already successfully used this tactic, but so far these are isolated cases.

"By sorting the possible options for counteracting the reconnaissance UAV of the Russian invaders, we come to the fact that it is an integral part of the victory over the enemy," the comprehensive use of all means, not reflection on something, "the analyst emphasized. The analyst noted that the complexes of electronic wrestling can suppress the drone signal with the operator and in the two years of a full -scale war of such episodes there were many.

Ukraine has a fairly wide nomenclature of the following systems: "Bukovel-AD" and "Bukovel-Ad R4", "Triathel", P-330KV1M and others. However, according to the expert, today Ukraine cannot fully provide such complexes on even military on the front lines, not to mention the rear objects. The EWS complexes have to ask partners.

"The fact that Russian invaders now have the opportunity to manage their reconnaissance UAVs is a consequence of inaction over the last few years," - summed up Alexander Kovalenko. We will remind, the commander of the air intelligence crew of the Armed Forces Alexander Karpyuk believes that the military airfield in Mirgorod could be protected from impact with the help of cheap anti -aircraft drones and new means of detection.