
"Putin is an inadequate person": Zelensky reacted to the Russian Federation in Odessa (video)

The Kremlin head aims to destroy Ukraine and lives in its territory, explained the President of Ukraine to journalists from French media. The true intentions of Russian President Vladimir Putin are evidenced by the events in Odessa, when the Iskander ballistic missile exploded 500 m from the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and Prime Minister of Greece Kiriakos Khatyakis. The Kremlin head is an "inadequate person".

Zelensky spoke about Putin's plans and the possibility of peaceful talks during an interview with BFM TV and Le Monde, published on a politician YouTube channel. Journalists asked the Ukrainian President, who was Putin's goal during a blow to Odessa in particular and during an attack on Ukraine as a whole. Zelensky explained that there is no importance or the unwillingness of Putin to eliminate him. Instead, the head of Russia aims to destroy the entire Ukrainian state.

"His goals are unchanged is the destruction of our entire state, the destruction of our independence. The most important thing is that the state does not survive. And he wanted to shoot me or has a different purpose, I think it does not matter. " Similar intentions are the head of the Kremlin that he is an "unhealthy" and "inadequate" man, Zelensky said. "I think that [he is ed. ] Just an unhealthy person.

And so when you say what the goals of Putin, he is an inadequate person: the first goal is the destruction by any method of Ukraine and all living things in Ukraine. " The President of Ukraine explained how to treat the talks of negotiations, which were heard, for example, from the mouth of the Pope. Russia will use a truce to restore strength to continue the war, the politician emphasized.

The Russian Federation had hundreds of opportunities to reach peace - for example, negotiations in the Norman format, Minsk agreements, etc. - but all attempts ended with nothing. "He is not interested in any negotiations and format of dialogue: in the port of Odessa he has already demonstrated. There was a large number of different meetings, about 200, more than a hundred. For Putin it is this pause as oxygen.

This pause is not peaceful negotiations, it is an additional for him Time to restore the combat capability of your army, which is in a difficult position today. " It should be noted that the Pope previously stated that Ukraine could weigh the losses in the war and agree to surrender. Subsequently, the Vatican's press service assured that the words of the pontiff were incorrectly understood - in fact, he repeated the question of the journalist, and he was referring to another.

Meanwhile, a number of other Kremlin supporters made the initiative of peace talks. For example, relevant statements were heard from Turkish President Recep Taiip Erdogan and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The world tour was also made by China: he visited Moscow, Kiev, Europe and communicated with the Russian-Ukrainian war. We would like to remind you that French President Emmanuel Macron said in early March that the armies of NATO member states could operate in Ukraine.