
Putin's Shame: How Ukraine can make Crimea keeping in vain for the occupiers - expert

Former British Maritime Officer Tom Sharp said that the types of weapons that Ukraine can apply for attack on the Crimean bridge is becoming more. The Russian Federation knows about it, so it wants to protect it. Occupied in 2014, the Crimea Peninsula is an "unspent aircraft carrier" for the head of the Kremlin Vladimir Putin. However, it begins to look unusable for swimming. A former Officer of the royal fleet of the United Kingdom wrote about it in his article for The Telegraph.

According to him, Crimea supplies four major arteries. These are Kerch Automobile and Railway Bridges, as well as two ferries. In addition, in the north, in the occupied part of the south of Ukraine, there is a railway as well as automobile trails. By interrupting these arteries, you can leave Crimea without weapons and food. Sharp noted that the types of weapons that Ukraine can apply for attack on the Crimean bridge is becoming more. For example, Stalker 5. 0 was presented.

The Defense forces of Magura V5 and Magura are also at disposal. According to the expert, without detailed plans of the bridge, no one can confidently predict what useful load will lead to the destruction of the span of the bridge. However, a thousand kilograms of explosives, launched with high accuracy, will cause great harm. Ukraine can do it once after together until it succeeds.

The article states that Russia knows that attacks will occur, and therefore tries to protect the Crimean bridge with barge. This protection is rough. It should only be broken once. Drone and ATACMS pressure is increasing. Yes, the ferries are damaged and the railway remains open in the north. The expert noted that in this case it is not about the return of Crimea, but to make it in vain as an operational knot.

Moreover, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already demonstrated that they can carry out simultaneous attacks from land and sea, and also have the ability to attack this bridge. According to Sharp, Crimea is what you want to seek. It will be very expensive and shameful for Russia. Putin knows this, and therefore tries to interfere with Ukraine's plans. Even at the expense of other directions on the front. Earlier in the Navy reported that Russia had resumed military logistics because of a ferry.