
Will officials, prosecutors and police go to the army? How will mobilization in Ukraine change

In the Verkhovna Rada they want to show the "justice" society and begin to recruit civil servants and law enforcement officers. Experts are convinced that security forces are better suited for infantry than unprepared civilians, but if you all bring them to the front, crime on the streets will increase. The focus found out how much politicians' initiative would improve the possibility of the Armed Forces.

The Grand Tree on Mobilization in Ukraine may have a norm that allows to recruit civil servants and law enforcement officers into the army. People's Deputy Maryan Bezugla showed a new version of the "draft" of the future document, which provides for deprivation of the right to defer during military registration for some categories of citizens.

If the people's deputies vote and the President of Ukraine will sign the bill in this wording, civil servants, law enforcement officers, prosecutors and employees of the state executive service, which is part of the structure of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, will have to appear in military enlistment offices. It should be noted that similar ideas were previously expressed by the Ukrainian military.

The fighter Dmitry Glushchenko proposed to reduce up to 60% of prisoners in local councils and administrations, in the prosecutor's office and police departments, to leave 20% of the state and the rest on the front. The experts surveyed by focus also spoke about the "bloated" structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in which up to 300 thousand people. Viewing personnel policy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will allow you to organize several brigades for the offensive.

In reality, it will not work to send law enforcement officers to the front. After deprivation of the right to defer during military registration, they, like other officials, may have quotas for reservation. The government only needs to approve the necessary by -laws, said the focus of the ATO veteran, the former commander of the Aidar Battalion Company Yevgeny Wild.

"To remove the automatic delay from the call is the right idea, but after the quotas are set, one part of the security forces and officials will receive 100%armor, the other - 50%, and the third - 30%. It turns out an uneven distribution," - says the military. Almost all security forces are suitable for infantry service, so they should be equipped with combat units. Many have higher education and officer.

Prosecutor's offices and police officers regularly submit standards for physical training, shooting and medical commission. They are not military, but their basic level of preparation is still better than any average mobilized civilian, he adds. However, with the total mobilization of police and prosecutors, there will be a risk of multiple crime.

For example, criminal experts simply will not send to the front, otherwise the whole system of investigation of crimes will stop, the veteran emphasizes. The state should respond flexibly to military challenges and quickly decide how many and what security forces to mobilize. "Whether to leave 250 thousand in the rear and pick up to fight 50 thousand, or vice versa to build a proportion. The same situation with prosecutors and employees of the executive service.

If we make about 100,000 soldiers from police and civil servants, it is already a serious figure," the wild summed up. All the positions of law enforcement officers in the conditions of a full-scale war should be revised, because these people are really better prepared for the front, according to a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the stock of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Alexei Hetman.

"There is a logic in this idea, but law enforcement officers also perform a number of functions necessary for the rear. Society also requires justice: why some are drawn to military enlistment offices, while others have" indulgences "from conscription? Let The hetman's focus comments. A set of a large number of civil servants in the Armed Forces does not mean an influx of quality recruits.

It is necessary to consider the set of their professional functions in order not to completely collapse the state management system. "Mobilizing officials is quite realistic: some positions can be reduced. officials to be called, "he explains the focus.

In case of mobilization of officials, the issue of abuse will inevitably intensify: there is a risk that serving ordinary employees of administrations or ministries, and the heads of departments and deputies of heads of bodies will remain on the ground. "The military will ask the management of the body to submit lists of employees for mobilization. The chief is unlikely to fit himself there, the nepotism and the corruption component you will not get anywhere," - summed up the hetman.