
In the occupied Crimea, the Russians almost destroyed the ancient suburbs of Chersonese - NAS of Ukraine

The invaders organized the so -called "excavations" in the territory of 25 thousand square meters, resulting in the historical monument almost destroyed. The previously collected collection invaders are preparing to take out to the Russian Federation. The Russian invaders organized the so -called "excavations" in the territory of the ancient suburbs of Chersonese Tavriysky, resulting in a historical monument almost destroyed.

A senior researcher of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Evelyn Kravchenko told about it in an interview with Ukrinform. According to her, the excavations touched the territory of 25 thousand square meters. It is, in particular, about necropolis with early Christian burials. "The military units that were located in the territory of Chersonese suburbs, Russia handed over the New History Foundation.

This is the ROC Foundation, headed by the Russian Metropolitan Tikhon, the so -called Putin priest. And the latter actually controls Chersonese through his set - Director of the Reserve Olena Morozov. " Kravchenko tells. However, organized "excavations" have become the destruction of historical heritage. According to the archaeologist, excavators worked there first, but this approach was even outraged. Then the equipment was replaced with hundreds of people who cleared the area.

"Obviously, archaeological monuments were not interested in the Russians, the work carried out so that information about the ancient past was lost forever. The Russians actually destroyed the ancient suburbs of Chersonese," Kravchenko says. Kravchenko also said that a year ago, the Russians began preparation for the "evacuation" of the collections of four museums of Sevastopol - the Khersonz Tavriysky Reserve, as well as the Sevastopol Art Museum.

Kroshitsky, the United Museum of Panorama and Diorama and the Navy Museum. During the months, the invaders tried to find money for it and, after all, they succeeded. According to Kravchenko, the exhibits in Chersonese have already been packed. She notes that it is a whole scientific collection of the reserve. "This is the whole spectrum of archaeological finds: tombstones, marble ceilings, ancient inscriptions, ancient utensils, jewelry, religious objects, coins, etc.