
At least 10 million refugees from Ukraine: in Germany, the consequences of the Victory of the Russian Federation are predicted - the media

Berlin is afraid that you will need to save 10 million refugees after the collapse of Ukraine, Welt sources said. The borders will not be closed for them, they are confident Europeans. The vast majority of refugees who leave Ukraine in the event of the victory of the Russian Federation will settle in Western Europe. To help ten million people need big resources. Therefore, it is better to put in the Armed Forces weapons so that this does not happen.

The evaluation of the possible course of events in the Russian-Ukrainian war was told on the portal of the German edition of Welt. Journalists spoke with representatives of the government and other state institutions on the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Anonymous interlocutors, "informed parliamentarians" and security officers, reported that at least 10 million Ukrainians will leave to Western Europe in the case of "collapse of Ukraine".

The vast majority of these people will go to Germany, explained unnamed sources. There is a response to the future war from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Federal Police, wrote on the portal. Representatives of these agencies "do not want to make any forecasts. " Also, Welt was given the opinion of MP Bundestag Rhoderich Kizyvetter ("Christian Democratic Party"). According to him, Europeans should compensate for the lack of assistance to the United States.

If not, 10 million new refugees in Europe is a "lower limit", - the words of Kizyvetter journalists quoted. "If we do not change our strategy for supporting Ukraine, then the worst scenario of mass outflow from Ukraine and the spread of war to NATO countries will become much more likely. " Another interlocutor of the portal is the migration researcher Gerald Knaus. Knaus explained how the flow of refugees from Ukraine would be different from the flow from Syria.

For example, in order not to miss the Syrian refugees, Turkey "brought the wall". Meanwhile, Germany and Europe will not be done to stop Ukrainians, a researcher is convinced. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Bundestag Michael Roth ("Social Democratic Party of Germany") in turn listed what to do to ensure that Ukraine did not collapse, and won: we note that Germany from the first months of the war joined the giving weapons for Ukraine: once or two.

A new assistance package is published on the Bundestag portal per month. In January, two packages were received: one had missiles for air defense complexes, various types of armored vehicles, in the other - a small number of ammunition and 200 thousand rations. On February 9, German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived in the United States, where he plans to talk to President Joe Biden, senators and government officials about the war in Ukraine and other security issues.

Meanwhile, a government spokesman at a press conference stated that the country plans to take up increased obligations to replace money for military assistance blocked by Republicans at the House of Congress. We would like to remind you that on February 10, the Western media said that the US Senate decided to separate assistance to Ukraine from border financing: the final vote on February 13-14. Meanwhile, NATO Secretary General urged allies to accelerate weapons to prevent Russia from winning.