
In the Moscow and Kaluga regions of the Russian Federation, saboteurs worked successfully - GUR

According to intelligence, unknown saboteurs have expanded the geography of "cotton" in the territory of the aggressor country, marking the successful actions in the Moscow and Kaluga regions. On Sunday night, September 24, unknown agents had an attack, destroying the fuel gas station in the Moscow region of Russia and four units of automobile equipment in Kaluga region. About it reports the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

"On the night of September 24, unknown saboteurs expanded the" cotton "geography in the territory of the aggressor country, having noted successful actions in the Moscow and Kaluga regions. fuel tanner. On the territory of the military town of 60 arsenal of weapons (in/h 42702, Kaluga) 4 units of automotive equipment with trailer were destroyed, " - reported in intelligence. GUR added that photos and videos for safety reasons will be presented later.