
There is no and cannot be any condition under which any Russian blow to Ukraine becomes justified-President Vladimir Zelensky's address

Ukrainians! Ukrainians! Today, Russian terrorists have struck another blow to the Toretsk Donetsk region - at a stop of public transport. Eight people were killed, three children were killed. The fragments of shells and the explosive wave are damaged by residential buildings - these are ordinary high -rises. Also damaged the church-the Holy Panteleimon Temple, the priest is wounded. It was a conscious blow to the invaders, another act of terror - cynical and calculated.

They knew where they were beating, and obviously wanted people to be injured. However, in this case, thousands of other crimes of Russian terrorists do not see clear and timely reports from some international organizations. We have seen a completely different report from Amnesty International today, which, unfortunately, is trying to amnesty with a terrorist state and shift responsibility from the aggressor to the victim.

There is no and cannot be-even hypothetical-no condition under which any Russian blow in Ukraine becomes justified. Aggression against our country is nothing provoked, invaded and frankly terrorist. And if someone makes a report in which the victim and the aggressor are allegedly the same, if any victim information is analyzed and what the aggressor was doing at this time is ignored, then it is impossible to put up with it.

Almost 200 are only religious buildings - temples and prayer houses of different denominations - damaged or destroyed by Russian blows. Almost 900 medical facilities. More than 2200 educational institutions. Dozens of universities, hundreds of schools and kindergartens. The invaders were repeatedly deliberately beat from artillery and mortars in the queues of people on water, on evacuation buses, and repeatedly beat on public transport stops.

The Russian army did not stop before blowing even on the memorials of the Holocaust, in the cemeteries . . . On the camp with prisoners of war in Olenivka. And for some reason there is no reports. Here is an immoral selectivity. Anyone who is amnestying Russia and who artificially creates such information context that some strokes of terrorists are allegedly justified or allegedly understandable, can not help but be aware that it helps terrorists.

And if such manipulative reports, then you divide the responsibility for the death of people with them. Every day we expand our foreign policy - formal and informal. He communicated today with representatives of African media - from Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya and Ghana. African countries can be very seriously affected by Russia's destabilization of world markets and global relations, in particular due to the food crisis.

And at the same time in Africa there is a shortage of true information about the Russian war against our country and the surplus of Russian propaganda. Let's do everything to change this balance. The first negotiations with President Guinea-Bisau took place in the history of our bilateral relations. I noted that Ukraine is ready to be a guarantor of food security for African countries. They discussed the support of our country in international organizations.

Tomorrow is new negotiations with the leader of the African country, and in general only recently have we started proper communication with eight leaders of Africa. Every day and in different ways, I remind some of the European leaders that cannot be hostaged by their indecision or bureaucracy of Ukrainian pensioners, our migrants, our teachers and our other people who depend on budget payments. 8 billion euros for Ukraine are currently slowed down.

And such an artificial delay in macro -financial assistance to our country is either a crime or a mistake, and it is difficult to say that it is worse in such conditions of a full -scale war. What European country is inhibiting it now, I do not want to call it. We will believe that this is still a mistake and that it will be corrected. He held a meeting of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov reported on the current provision of troops with equipment and ammunition. The Zaluzhny, head of the SBU Mauk, Minister of Internal Affairs of Monastyrsky were also reported. They analyzed the situation in the most acute areas of the front, in particular in the Donetsk region. Particular attention was paid to the status of the previous decisions, all of which should be performed by 100%. He signed another decree on the awarding of our soldiers.