
Iron sieve: The Russian Federation showed a mutilated T-90 tank after the impact of the Ukrainian UAV (photo)

The enemy machine received numerous damage to the metal grilles that protect against the attacks of drones-Kamikadze. Also noticeable elements of dynamic protection "contact-1", which worked at the time of impact. Russian propagandists showed the consequences of the impact of the Ukrainian Dron-Kamikadze on the latest T-90m Break Tank. The footage shows large-scale damage to the Russian VTT, which has suffered a direct hit of the FPV-zero of Ukrainian fighters.

Posted photos commented on February 8, Defense Blog. Experts have noted that the T-90M tank has visible damage, especially its protective elements. In particular, the area of ​​the lesion on the upper metal screen of the tank, sometimes called "barbecue" is visible. At the same time, the Russians installed the elements of dynamic protection (ERA) "contact-1".

As a result of the drone, some of the ERA protective blocks were detonated, which led to deformation of the protective visor and damage to the back of the tank tower. However, Russian journalists noted that the tank allegedly remained whole, despite the direct hit of Dron-Kamikadze. Moreover, it was claimed that the T-90 was removed from the battlefield for further repair.

The observers also noted that the invaders' tanks often face the problems on the front line, becoming victims of numerous Ukrainian anti-tank agents, including FPV-non-infantry and anti-tank controlled PTKR missiles. The former head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Yuriy Baluyevsky also told about the existence of serious problems in Russian military equipment on the front.