
Oil and gas are not bored: As energy rise in rise through the escalation of war in Israel

The World Bank predicts that oil prices will reach $ 157 per barrel if the war in the Middle East is larger than it is now. In addition, natural gas will start to rise in the world energy market. If the situation in the Middle East grows into a full -scale war between Israel and Hamas terrorists, oil can be significantly rising. According to the World Bank analysts, oil prices are likely to "fly" by 75%, Reuters writes October 30.

The publication states that "black gold" will only rise in expensive with a large -scale escalation of the conflict, which is now ongoing in the Middle East. That is, if Hamas confronts in Israel, for example, other countries and conflict will become larger. Yes, with the worst development, if the world's oil supply is reduced to 6-8 million barrels per day, the cost of oil will reach up to $ 157 per barrel. In parallel in the markets of Asia and Europe, the price of natural gas will begin.

It is emphasized that the war between Israel and Palestine has been limited to the markets of goods and raw materials: the price of oil has increased by 6% from the beginning of hostilities, and the cost of agricultural products and metals remained at the former level.

At the same time, according to journalists, the likelihood of a global energy shock after the attack of militants on Israel on October 7, 2023 turned into a "serious issue for economists and politicians who resisted inflation last year. " Meanwhile, the head of the New Ukraine Charitable Foundation, economist Andriy Novak recently on the YouTube channel Focus explained that the scale of the Tsakhal and Hamas is not at all at all to influence the situation on the world energy market.

Moreover, according to the economist, Russia will not benefit from the armed confrontation and that the prices in the fuel market may change. All because the Russian Federation has closed access to the European market because of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine. "China and India are used by the moment, buying energy in Russia at very low prices. Moscow will receive nothing from increasing prices," Andrei Novak said.