
Armed Forces without "combat": how the authorities will solve the problem with the payments of the defenders of Ukraine - deputies

Ukrainian soldiers run the risk of staying without salaries and payments of "combat". The reason is that the state budget lacks UAH 500 billion for the needs of the Armed Forces. The focus found out how and when the authorities find the necessary funds. The Ministry of Defense has ended money for combat payments for the Armed Forces in September, reported by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee from Roksolana Pidlas.

According to her, difficulties arose against the backdrop of delays in US assistance. By September 20, the People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada should vote for changes to the state budget. "The Ministry of Defense says that there is not enough money to pay combat on September 20. But we will vote by September 20 amendments to the state budget. I cannot disclose the date of the VRU meeting, but on September 17-18 we expect a vote," Podlas said.

When asked if the military will have time to receive payments in time, in view of all bureaucratic procedures, the People's Deputy noted that it was necessary to act immediately. "The VRU Chairman will sign as soon as possible. I think the President will also quickly sign, because all officials understand how quickly it needs to be done," Podlas said.

The chairman of the Budget Committee of the Council also reminded that in the first quarter of 2024, due to a delay in military assistance from the United States, Ukraine was forced to use budget funds that were planned to be used at the end of the year. Earlier, the MP from the Batkivshchyna Party, the first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Budget Ivan Krulko already called the reasons for the "holes" that arose in the budget.

"The real reason is that on the budget of 2024 the money from September to pay their military salaries, as well as for payment of combat was simply not laid down. The reason called more likely is that there were expectations that until September The moon will be a de -escalation, "the politician said. According to him, it was hoped that due to the de -escalation, expenditures on the Armed Forces would decrease from the budget.

It was hoped that the army will not require the level of expenditures, the funds were spent only until September 2024. In order to get out of the current situation, and yet to provide the Ukrainian military with well -deserved salaries and "combat", according to Krulka, the Government proposes to reduce the costs of servicing and repayment of the state debt by UAH 115 billion. And also attract UAH 100 billion from taxes and fees.

"Additional about UAH 216 billion is planned to be attracted from the placement of government bonds (domestic government bonds), about 12. 7 billion UAH of excise duties on fuel and tobacco and about UAH 30 billion of tax changes, which are considered in the profile committee," A politician in a conversation with focus. In addition, the bill provides for reduction of ministerial programs.

"Almost all ministries are more or less cut, plus the refusal to replenish the state budget's reserve fund, which should give an additional UAH 25 billion," Krulko adds. The main reductions will be related to the Ministries for Strategic Industry of Ukraine under the Development Program of the Development - 11. 2 billion UAH, as well as the Ministry of Social Policy - in the amount of UAH 8. 6 billion, ministries of youth and sports - 376 million under different programs.

According to economist Oleg Hetman, there is no acute problem for finding funds, since most of the money can be obtained from the additional sale of securities. "This is half of the required amount. Then you need to reduce the costs of the state budget, some of the restructuring of our debts and UAH 30-50 billion-additional taxes. Therefore, you do not need to panic.

You need to start cutting minor budget expenditures, all those generous state programs that distribute the funds to the right And to the left, they need to be reduced. Focus wrote earlier that Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) announced a tender for the purchase of sunscreen in passenger cars. The carrier is going to buy 940 sets of double curtains. The expected order value is over UAH 7 million.