
Restless leg syndrome. What disease is spoken of the latest videos with Putin - the neurologist answers

In an interview with NV, a neurologist Alexander Shchebeth said that the latest videos with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin said that he can have a syndrome of restless legs. According to Radio NV twitter, the video of Putin's speech in front of the students on September 1 "observed the same obsessive leg movements that we noticed before.

" "So this story has not changed, and therefore it suggests that it does it to hide spontaneous involuntary leg movements, or he has the syndrome of restless legs and movements of the lower extremities give him a relief that in principle at such an age [ Putin's age will reach 70 years in a month], ”she said.

Video Day of restless legs is a condition that is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities that appear at rest and make the patient make movements that facilitate discomfort. This syndrome is more common in middle and elderly and causes 15% of chronic insomnia. In more than half of cases, this syndrome is not associated with other diseases, manifests itself at the age of 30 years and can be hereditary.

Also, the syndrome of restless legs may be associated with iron deficiency, uremia, diabetes, amyloidosis, cryolobulinemia, gastric resection, vitamins of B vitamins, magnesium, alcoholism, chronic obstructive lung, hypothyrosis, and diettosis, hypothyrosis, hypothyrosis, hypothyrosis, hypothyrosis. , obliterating diseases of the arteries or chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities.