
Missiles X -101: Kovalenko told how many "calibers" of the Russian Federation can attack Ukraine

The military observer believes that due to lack of aviation missiles, the occupiers can activate the strikes of maritime -based missiles. Russia could accumulate more than three hundred winged "caliber" rockets only due to its production capabilities from September 25 last year to March 25th of the current. Such a view was presented by the military-political observer Alexander Kovalenko.

He noted that the last missile attack of the Russians with the use of 12 missiles "Caliber" took place on September 25 last year, of which the forces of the Ukrainian air defense were destroyed 11. In the future, continued the expert, such strikes were extremely rare and with a maximum component of 3-4 missiles. According to Kovalenko, per day the potential of the Russian military-industrial complex allows you to publish 1-1. 5 caliber missiles in a full, capable assembly.

"Taking into account the use of X-101/555, the number of marine CRBB" Caliber "in the reserve is dominated by the winged aviation," the expert said. At the same time, Kovalenko told why there was no use of "calibers" lately. First of all, due to the escape of the Black Sea Fleet to Novorossiysk from Sevastopol at a new place of base, the infrastructure for the maintenance and storage of CRBB "Caliber" was still not possible.

Currently, the CRMB "Caliber" is actively exported from the 3413 rocket and technical base, which is located in the Sukharian beam, to the mainland, by the 1061st arsenal of integrated storage of missiles, ammunition and explosives in Natukhaiv, Krasnodar region. Another reason for the infrequent use of "caliber" lies in the wear of the starting on the carriers of CRMB "Caliber".

Oleksandr Kovalenko does not exclude that the occupiers will still restore the attacks of "calibers" in Ukraine after a while, especially if you take into account the reduction of the accumulated stock X-101/555 and accelerated infrastructure in the Novorossiysk region. We will remind, on February 8 this year the speaker of the operational command "South" Natalia Humeniuk told why the Russians save "calibra". According to her, the invaders feel anxiety in the Crimea.