
Grinkevich was suspected of supplying the Armed Forces - the media

According to journalists, the sons of the Lviv businessman and three executives of companies controlled by them also received suspicion. Lviv entrepreneur Igor Grinkevich, who is a person involved in a corruption scandal, has been suspected of supplying goods for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. About it writes the portal "RBC Ukraine" with reference to its source. It is reported that the suspicion was also raised by the sons of Igor Grinkevich and three more heads of companies controlled by them.

According to the authors of the publication, earlier Igor Grinkevich had the status of a suspect in criminal proceedings due to an attempt to give a bribe. We will remind, on December 29 the DBR press service announced the exposing of a businessman, who is one of the largest suppliers of the Ministry of Defense, on the attempt of bribery.

The suspect tried to give half a million dollars a bribe to the official of the State Bureau of Investigation in order to return the property of his companies, which was withdrawn during criminal proceedings. According to the investigation, the entrepreneur supplied the Ministry of Defense clothing as the owner of construction firms. The suspect's companies won 23 tenders totaling more than UAH 1. 5 billion. According to preliminary estimates, the equipment has caused the budget of losses of UAH 1.

2 billion. According to TSN, it was about Lviv businessman Igor Grinkevich. On January 9, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Vitaliy Polovenko stated that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is breaking all contracts with companies related to the Grynkevich family. Later, on January 12, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Dmitry Klimenkov reported that through the case of Grinkevich, two exponents of the Ministry of Defense are now under investigation.