
"Daging in nuclear execution": the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed Mig-31 at combat equipment (video)

The Kremlin showed a bomber who seemed to be charged with a dagger rocket. The propagandist of the Russian Federation said that the rocket has a nuclear warhead, which was taken out of a special storage location for this purpose. Russian propagandist Dmitry Kiselev carefully looked at the video of military exercises, which was shown by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

He looked at his frame behind the frame and noticed that under the fuselage the Mig-31 bomber attached a "dagger" rocket with a nuclear warrior. The fact that Russia allegedly removed nuclear charges from the warehouses, told the Non-governmental Roszma Telegram channel "Agency. Novosti". Journalists drew attention to the speech by Kiselev on the Prokremliv Channel "Russia 1". The propagandist showed personnel on the monitor published by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

For example, he showed the Iskander starting installations, which was charged with rockets up to 500 km and lifted up. You can see that the top of these rockets have been buried, so it is not clear what they are special. Two strategic bombers-TU-22M3 and MiG-31-appeared in a few seconds. At the same time, the propagandist intentionally detained the video, enlarged the image and showed that under the MiG-31 fuselage-a rocket with a red "nose". "That's the dagger itself.

Here is a little slow to consider the dagger in the nuclear execution with the red head, suspended from the Mig-31 fighter with a radius of 2,000 km," Kiselev said. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, having published military exercises, did not formally declare the use of missiles with nuclear warheads. This was also not officially reported by Western and Ukrainian special services.

In the meantime, the media said earlier that the nuclear warheads of the Russian Federation are stored in special warehouses, transported by special equipment and the US is monitored from space. It should be noted that in May, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky again raised the possibility of cancellation of Western weapons in the Russian territory. The politician explained that thanks to this ban on the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can be fired Kharkiv and kill peaceful people.

In addition, the Russians had the time and the opportunity to collect live power and equipment to freely begin to step in Kharkiv region. However, on May 22, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken repeated that the ban would not be canceled, although there were alternative reports that he had changed his opinion on this issue.

Meanwhile, military exercises of tactical nuclear forces began in the Russian Federation, and the deputy chairman of the Council Dmitry Medvedev voiced the threats of Poland and the rest of the world: scared a nuclear blow. We would like to remind that on May 26, Sweden allowed Ukraine to hit the Russian Federation with Swedish weapons, for example, it may be a question of Archer installations, which reach a distance of 30 to 60 km.