
On the air of the Telelorphone "The Single News" showed a map with Crimea in Russia (photo)

The authors of one of the subjects marked on the map of the Russian Federation regions where communal accidents recently occurred. On the same map you can see the Ukrainian peninsula, occupied by the Russians. On Tuesday, January 16, a map of the Russian Federation with a temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula in the composition was shown on the air of the All -Ukrainian Teleterna "Unified News". The plot was broadcast online on YouTube.

The plot states that the territory of Russia is spreading "communal collapse". Yes, in many cities, the aggressor countries have recorded problems with heating and water supply. In particular, it was about pipe breaks in Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod, as a result of which the streets flooded with boiling water, and dozens of multi -storey buildings remained without heating at minus temperature. The lack of heating in homes in the Sverdlovsk region and a heating accident - in Orel.

The settlements of the Russian Federation, in which communal accidents recently occurred, the authors of the plot were marked on the map. On the mentioned map you can also notice the Ukrainian Crimea occupied by the Russians. We will remind, on December 13, the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Freedom of Speech Yaroslav Yurchyshyn stated that the Ukrainian telecommunication is ineffective, but to replace it.