
As Ukraine ended with Finland Finland. Finns experience showed that one cannot give up

"A large and strong neighbor has the right to limit the sovereignty of the smaller, to interfere with his foreign and even domestic policy. Sounds very rude and contrary to international legal standards. Therefore, the above is covered with the term" Finland This is what Russia demanded from Ukraine before the war. " Opinion. "You in Kiev forget about integration into Europe, or especially in NATO, because Moscow does not like it. Otherwise the war.

" In 1939, Moscow decided to dictate the Finnish capital, where she needed to move the borders of her state to like it, otherwise - war. In fact, even this aggressive and arrogant requirement was only a cover for true, even more brazen and aggressive goals of the Kremlin. In August 1939, the USSR and the Nazi Germany concluded an agreement under which both totalitarian regimes divided Europe into spheres of influence. Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland came under the USSR.

In the first three Baltic states, the Kremlin quickly led to the power of the people he needed, which led to the elimination of their independence, entry into the Union, and therefore - repression against all disagreements. Obviously, a similar scenario was prepared for the Finns, and the requirements for borders were only a reason. The refusal of Helsinki to perform them was the beginning of the war. Of course, the hybrid, in which the aggression was shown by the bad Finns.

But there were also good Finns that formed a Finnish Democratic Republic that concluded a cooperation agreement with the USSR and called on the Red Army for help. However, the technology has not worked over the war against the UNR since the war. The large -scale invasion began on November 30, 1939.

The ratio of forces on all indicators (the number of troops, units of equipment) looked hopeless for Finland and convinced the command of the Red Army that surrender will be a wonderful gift of the leader of the peoples of Stalin before his 60 years on December 21. But the Soviet did not take into account the most important factor that determined the nature of this war - the will of the Finns to fight.

At the heart of this will is a developed national consciousness that consolidated Finnish citizens in defense of their state. Soldiers and guerrillas mercilessly beat the invaders. Their tactics for the destruction of mechanized columns (to disable the first and last machine, then clean the rest of the fixed ones) became a classic, which was subsequently used from the UPA to Afghan Mujahideys and used in the Armed Forces now.

The offensive was rapidly chosen, and winter came to the rescue, which was freezing thousands of invaders, not ready for a long struggle. The Finns withstood the first blow, but unfortunately did not receive the help they need. Therefore, the Soviets managed to break through their defense and finally force to negotiate and sign a peace agreement. Finland lost 10% of its territory, but did not become a Soviet republic.

The price of this doubtful victory for the USSR was very high - about 130 thousand killed, which is 5 times higher than the loss of defenders. And most importantly, the Winter War demonstrated the weakness of the Red Army throughout the world. Subsequently, after the Second World War, the USSR, as a winner, imposed a restriction in foreign policy, the essence of which was that their state could not conclude unions that would not be consent of Moscow.

Thus, the Helsinki was forced to neutral status in the Cold War, although they did not turn into a communist satellite like the Polish People's Republic or, moreover, did not incorporate into the USSR. Now it is such restrictions on a strong state of foreign policy of the weaker. This was allegedly demanded in the Kremlin from Ukraine before the mass invasion of February 24. But we know too well how much can Ukrainians cost any arrangement with Russia.

We remember that for the Kremlin the return of Ukraine is the main prerequisite for the restoration of the empire. Therefore, Ukraine is fighting. It has been longer as the Finns in the Winter War with the USSR, which lasted for 104 days. The ratio of strength (people, weapons, territory) in our war is much better for us as what was the Finns. We finally started receiving the necessary military assistance of the event.

And most importantly, our perseverance in this war is no less than the Finns during the winter. The Ukrainians demonstrated the world's groundlessness of Russian claims to the title of the Second Army of the world, and therefore - to play the role of the global force, with which everyone was forced. In the end, we launched the end of Finland's Finland.