
The blow was destroyed by 120 UAVs: British intelligence estimated the Armed Forces Strike with Shakhaneda in the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation

After a blow to Eyk, it was likely that Russia will distribute its UAV operations to less vulnerable bases, and Ukraine will continue to hunt them, reported in British intelligence. The forces of defense have struck the shahas base in Russian Yey. This can lead to Russia's interruptions to use them for the task of strikes in the territory of Ukraine. This is written in his report by intelligence of the UK Ministry of Defense.

The department notes that the Russian Federation was unable to establish control over the airspace of Ukraine and to use its bombers full, so it began to use relatively inexpensive Iranian shock drones. On June 21, 2024, the Navy of Ukraine and the SBU reported the task of strikes on the Russian 726th Air Defense Training Center at the Eyesk airfield in Russia. This base is one of at least five, of which Russia attacks Ukraine with its UAV.

120 UAVs of different types were destroyed and 9 people were injured. "It is likely that in the short term, these blows will lead to some interruptions in the ability of Russia to use UAVs to task for the purpose in the depths of Ukraine from these places. There is a realistic probability that Russia will distribute its UAV operations on less vulnerable bases," - The message says.