
Hard shutdowns of light - not through shelling: Kharchenko called on to deal with the SBU

Energy expert Oleksandr Kharchenko stated that Ukrainians hide the reason from which the situation with electricity has deteriorated in a number of cities. He explained that transformers were burning at several NPPs in recent days. Very rigid light shutdowns in part of Ukraine are related to a technical accident that they are not talking about. This was stated on July 18 by the director of the Energy Research Center Alexander Kharchenko.

He reported that two days ago two current transformers were burned at the South Ukrainian NPP. The obvious reason is the heat, but the official investigation should show whether there was a violation of operating modes and temperature monitoring of equipment. According to eyewitnesses, this led to disconnect from the network of one of the reactors, after which two or three high-voltage lines were disconnected on the network of NEC "Ukrenergo".

"It is because of this, absolutely technical, accident, left -wing of Ukraine - including the Dnieper, amounts and further on the list - the last two days are extremely rigidly limited in the supply of electricity," Kharchenko said. According to him, today for the same reasons the power transformer and the same NPP and, according to untested information, another at the Chernobyl NPP.

The expert stressed that he would conduct an official investigation with the involvement of the SBU "just in case". Now the situation in the power system has complicated even more. "Meanwhile, in the official reports about all this word. Only information about another nuclear power unit that came out of repair. And mysterious" energy equipment ", which sometimes does not work temporarily . . . I wonder why this situation is so carefully hidden?" , - Kharchenko wrote.

He explained that anomalous heat, constant overload of equipment and regular switching-in-depth networks (which are not intended) cause rapid degradation of power equipment. The energy engineer predicted that in the future the crashes in the system would only be larger. He noted that it will not depend on the heat, because the frost will also have a negative impact. "It seems to me, to pretend that nothing is happening - the worst strategy. And official investigations need to be conducted.

And the reasons to analyze. Prepare a plan of warning actions for the future and implement it urgently. If in winter" sprinkled "distribution devices of NPPs (devices responsible for issuing Electricity to the network) will almost appear to anyone, "the expert said. He stressed that Ukrainians need to be informed and warned to prepare for a difficult winter. Kharchenko advised to discard doubts and order batteries, solar panels to them and a generator in the reserve.