
"Each day is destroyed by the Russian technique": Airlogix told about creating new Gor BPak

The developers have improved the intelligence model and prepare a shock so that they work in pairs and more effectively affected the occupiers on the battlefield under the control of the Ukrainian military. The Ukrainian company Airlogix has recently created an updated version of unmanned aviation complexes (BPAC) GOR, which helps the defense forces to destroy the occupiers.

The founder of the project Vitaliy Kolesnichenko and the head of the marketing department Viktor Lokotkov told in an interview with a focus that has changed and what to expect from this technique in the near future. When did work on Gor begin? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: in April 2022. The aerodynamic scheme we wanted to build was ready in two months, and then we built the first aircraft. But the materials were not yet composite.

After a few iterations, we have already improved the materials and switched to composite. It was about six months. How did GOR change after updating? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: We improved the communication system, internally refined, optimized the software and hardware. They also worked with the reserve communication system, updated, added chips. This makes it possible to use our complex more efficiently.

I can't reveal a lot of details, but improvement concerns the protection of a drone from enemy HPs. Why will the military be able to use new GOR complexes more efficiently? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: Because they have become more resistant to interference, which create the means of HR. Due to this, the military is able to work in conditions of intense radio.

What results did the updated complex show during the tests? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: It works steadily, the quality of the video has increased significantly due to the stability of communication. That is, crews have the ability to work with an even better picture and more effectively adjust the fire. Did they change optics? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: No. The last optical system we replaced a year ago.

We started using Israeli optics, and all of them are very satisfied, and we and the military, which is the main thing. There was no point in changing it because the system works and works excellent. Does it happen that we install different edges on different sides. The same manufacturer, but cheaper or more expensive. There are daily cameras, there are daytime with a night camera - here, depending on the needs of the units and the selected configuration.

If the crews work only in the afternoon, they do not need a plane with a night camera that costs much more, and as a result you can save. The complex is certified by the Ministry of Defense. Did you have to re -certify after updating? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: When some fundamental changes in the complex are made, specifications can also change. If something is radically changed, the admission should be performed again. We have changes within our specifications, so there was no need for this.

What work does GOR do? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: This is a tactical scout with a radius of action up to 40 km. Basically, he performs intelligence missions to identify enemy equipment, living power, HRS, air defense, and so on. Then - the transfer of coordinates, observation and adjustment of the work of destruction, such as jet or artillery. This is its main purpose. Viktor Lokotkov: We know exactly that every day with our complexes the technique of Russians is destroyed.

In August 2023, Airlogix reported that BPAK GOR made 70 combat departments. How many combat departments are accrued now? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: It is difficult to say, because those 70 departures were made by one crew with one complex. It was not implied that it is quite strong and withstands load, it can work such a period of time. This crew still works and, as far as I know, is satisfied with the complex. I don't know how many combat departments have been made. Apparently, hundreds.

We do not get statistics, it is classified. You probably need to know how many complexes have been made. Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: Yes, we know how many complexes are transmitted and now work, and it is more than a hundred planes. What reviews do the military give and whether they found the disadvantages that should be eliminated? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: There is a continuous process of improvement, and it is due to the reviews of the military.

There is always that you have to improve, comments on the new version of the complex. Now they are more minor, not as fundamental as they were: paint, grind, fill. Basically they concern the "soft", not "hard". The aircraft by itself is more or less formed as a product, and its software, which uses the pilot, has some nuances, still need to work with it, improve the interface and user's experience, add "soft" chips, and as a result improve, doing, doing more efficient and easy to use.

What are the Airlogix plans for the future? Will new technologies develop and will you produce percussion UAVs? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: A new version of GOR is being prepared, which will continue to fly and continue to fly, the flight and technical characteristics of the system will improve, aerodynamics is fully optimized. It's natural that this happens. The next step will be to work with other systems we project.

We plan to create a drone ecosystem so that the UAV does not fly alone, but worked online with other devices. Including the shock systems we do, they are already at the stage of prototypes and tests. Victor Lokotkov: Soon the Russians will be a little overflow. We look forward to doing so soon as possible to destroy them more actively, more and more.

Our task now is to use the most advanced technologies, we will be very software to make an almost autonomous ecosystem with minimal people's intervention and with maximum help of various computer systems. This is a popular phrase: "artificial intelligence", although it is not always the same, but just some solutions of computer systems. We will use different solutions so that the work is as effective and successful.

Even when the operator may not notice something during intelligence, that the systems are suggested by the object that needs to be addressed. Similarly, we plan to attract them to adjust the work of percussion UAVs, ours or not ours. We are very open to cooperation with other Ukrainian UAVs and Soft companies, we are already working with some. If others are interesting, let them turn.

In fact, we need to understand that in Ukraine a very fruitful work between different companies, we are working on one business, our task is to make bad Russians as many good Russians as possible if you understand what I am about. And it must be done as soon as possible to expel them from our earth. And then create a buffer area so that they do not soon reach Ukraine again, even if they want.

We are moving in several directions before, we have many projects in development, and we hope they will be launched in the near future and do the work we need. To make less our boys die on the front. Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: They will work in the same system, so they will act within each other. But because we will optimize intelligence drones, the distance will change.

Do I imagine correctly: first the reconnaissance UAV flew, noticed a goal, and then the shock flew and destroyed it? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: That's right. What is the complex now and how should it change after further modifications? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: Now these are five transport boxes, three planes, catapults and a ground station. In about ten minutes, you can completely unfold it. It can be thrown into a bead. Looking at how the crew works - it can be one aircraft, or all three.

Victor Lokotkov: It also depends on the position. It happens that they launched the plane, hid in the dugout, masked the car - and nothing should be visible. And it happens that from the third line of the front you work, knowing that there are no hostile scouts above you, so you unfold everything. And in a circle you let each airplane: one flies, one is charged and one backup. 24 hours you can fly and control a zone for 24 hours.

Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: After optimization, I hope there will be four boxes, because the drone should become smaller. We plan for the new version of the possibility of running hand, make the board lighter and more convenient for use. Because launching from catapult requires some pilots skills. It is also necessary to optimize the weight of the aircraft to improve its flight and technical characteristics.

Here we do this, everything in order for the pilots to be able to use the complexes as efficiently as possible, and they were as convenient as possible to do it. The system is optimized by both Hardware and Software to make the Mavic analogue to be released - and it flies. Here's something to be - you have launched, and there are no problems, you work for yourself, you do not need to think about anything, just focus on the task, and everything else will do for you.

In what format does the ground station work? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: This is a mobile control station. You can work from the car, both from the dugout, and in the open air, it all depends on the conditions in which it is located. This is the software installed on the appropriate computer. There is an UAV operator, an extraordinary load operator, and they work in a pair, everyone performs their task.

How many people do you need to run and control? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: at least two, optimally - three, you can work and four. But two normally cope with what we see. Usually, when talking about statistics, three people work. Does GOR feel the intensity of the work of the HR on both the Ukrainian and Russian side? Vitaliy Kolesnichenko: We use components and adjust the systems in such a way as to be able to work in such conditions.

If we talk about copter and FPV, many of them work at standard frequency ranges, so on the other hand use standard frequencies for depression. When working with non -standard frequencies, the enemy takes time to create non -standard solutions to counteract. This gives Ukrainians to work for some time, but they subsequently catch up with, and we need to change frequencies, ranges, look for other ways or communication algorithms so that we can work. Another question is GPS/GNSS.

The fact that there is no GPS on the front. It's like a task, given - no GPS, decide. Now we have made a solution that allows you to work in the absence of GPS. It is already applied in practice in combat. Viktor Lokotkov: In general, the situation is that the planes, not only ours, but also colleagues in the shop, are more flexible than the copy in terms of communication. They have more space or more for using more expensive technologies.

If the FPV is now a fight for reducing the cost, because it is a disposable product and it should be cheap, then it is a little easier with aircraft. But we understand that the Russians also fly on their part, and they need to be silenced, and intelligence gives a lot of valuable information to work with the same FPV or artillery. The same on our part - the Russians want to suppress our connection, and we are Russian.

The struggle is that the Russians that we use different solutions and look for non -standard ways, and that helps. For what period of time it will help - no one can answer. We think in advance, there is already a vision of the next steps if there are problems with this connection. We hope that we will always be one step ahead, although it is impossible to underestimate the enemy, and come up with decisions that will allow our planes to fly, because the eyes in the sky are the main thing.