
"Top result": "Army of drones" destroyed 220 units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (infographics)

According to Viceremier Mikhail Fedorov, the Ukrainian military was able to eliminate several dozen tanks, guns and trucks of the occupation forces of Russia. Ukrainian soldiers continue to strike the Russian troops with drones. Over the last week, more than 220 units of hostile equipment have been destroyed with the help of drones. This was announced on November 13 by Viceremier-Minister-Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mikhail Fedorov in his Telegram.

The minister shared amazing numbers. Thus, over the last week, the losses of the invaders as a result of the blows of the drones have emerged: "Ukrainian soldiers continue to demonstrate the top results of the demilitarization of the enemy throughout the front line," Fedorov said. Fedorov noted that each figure has a video that confirms the destruction of the equipment or positions of Russian invaders. "Thank you to everyone who works for victory.