
Rocket fighter and drones: Iran's army "crossed" drone Karrar and SCR (video)

The drone can launch rockets with thermal guidance that engineers have prepared for the last 18 months. Experts have evaluated how effective such a system can be. Iran's army was armed with Karrar of locally produced by a modified self -made missile from the Majid anti -aircraft complex. About it writes the Iranian edition of Tehran Times, according to the commander of the military-air forces of the brigade General Alegeza Sabakhi-Fard.

The AD-08 Earth-Bar missile from the Anti-aircraft missile range of Majid, Iranian experts have modernized 18 months, conducting many studies and trials, and as a result they turned it into a air base rocket. Now it has a thermal guidance system, a range of 8 km and a warhead, capable of blowing different goals in the sky.

According to the brigade general, the new rockets will be armed with Karrar drones with a height of flight more than 14 km and a range of 1000 km in reconnaissance or 400 km in the impact. This drone had already served radar and radio signals by foreign aircraft that were approaching the coastal waters of Iran or its field of flight information (FIR).

The Iranian military assures that Karrar have already tested the possibilities of launching modified Majid missiles and provided a video for evidence. During the test, the drone knocked down an air target in the form of another UAV by running a rocket fixed at the bottom of the case. Defense Express analysts have noted that Iranian engineers did not dramatically change and adapt technology, simply removed the start -up container from the Majid SCR and attached to the Karrar.

Judging by the roller, the drone looks for the target with the course chamber, passing the image of the operator on the television channel. The military needs to direct the UAV to the target, to wait for the AD-08 combatant to capture the thermal target and give the command to launch the rocket. Defense Express added that the Majid Complex Iran officially presented relatively recently - in January 2022.

It is quite possible that Karrar will also install a simplified option of an optical-facility from the same SCR with daytime and thermal imaging chambers. The claimed range of Majid is 8 km at the maximum target height of 6 km. If you run a UAV rocket in the air, then its flight range can increase 2-3 times, but only the sensitivity of the self-esteem head can be strongly influenced by the efficiency, and more precisely, at what distance it can capture the target.

According to Tehran Times, Karrar is a modern Iranian reactive drone designed to intercept the enemy flying objects. It enhances the capabilities of Iran's army, allowing you to perform more different tasks at high altitudes. Defense Express notes that Karrar first climbed into the air in 2009, and therefore is a rather old device - Iran has newer models. The drone itself is made on the basis of American unmanned MQM-107 Streaker, which delivered the Iranians before the 1979 revolution.

The turbojet engine accelerates Karrar to a maximum speed of 900 km/h, which allows it to use it as a fighter to intercept drones and winged missiles. Another advantage of such aircraft is to start starting installations - thanks to this, the drones do not depend on the airfields and can be placed in different places unknown to the enemy.

According to analysts, so the Iran army can compensate for the weakness of manned aviation represented by outdated American F-4 Phantom and F-14 Tomcat along with Chinese copies of Soviet Mig-21. But it is too early to talk about the success of developing, because the attempt to turn the Karrar into a VOP has already been and has not led to anything-in 2021, the Iranian copy of the AIM-9 Sidewinder rocket was launched from the drone and even showed a video without a clump.