
Islamists were preparing a terrorist attack at Taylor Swift's concert - the media

According to police, the suspected several weeks ago swore allegiance to the Islamic State terrorist organization. Police will strengthen the protection at future concerts of the American singer in Austria. Islamists planned a terrorist attack during a concert by American singer Taylor Swift in Austria. About it writes the edition "Kronen Zeitung".

Austrian law enforcement agencies conducted a large -scale operation in the Austrian city of Ternits: the residents were evacuated and roads were blocked. The operation was arrested by a 19-year-old young man suspected of terrorism. Another suspect was also arrested. It is said that a man planned an attack on one of Taylor Swift's concerts in Vienna. "There is a specific suspicion that Taylor Swift concerts are in danger," the source in foreign security authorities told reporters.

The suspect with North -Maedonic roots had the citizenship of Austria and lived with his family in Tornica. According to police, the suspected several weeks ago swore allegiance to the Islamic State terrorist organization. "We also know that he swore allegiance to the Islamic State. He did it a few weeks ago," said Franz Ruf, CEO of Public Security.

In connection with the arrest of suspects in terrorism, security checks at three concerts Taylor Swift on Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be significantly strengthened. The Austrian police reported that, in particular, access and entry into the territory of concert sites will be strictly monitored. In addition, police officers with long -barrel weapons will be on duty, and the Kobra special unit will support them. "As the Vienna police, we will take all safety measures.

But there is no 100 percent security,"-said the police of Vienna Gerhard Pursl. Journalists explained that it is not at this time about the cancellation of concerts of the American singer. "However, visitors should expect delays when traveling to the place of the concert and entering it," Franz Ruf said. We will remind, on June 14, CBS News, citing the data of the British geological service, reported that Taylor Swift concerts in Edinburgh had caused earthquakes.