
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began to use UAV with grenade launchers: forbes evaluated their effectiveness (video)

The grenade launcher can increase the range of UAV damage, but the accuracy of drone with such weapons raises questions, experts believe. The Russian Federation showed an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a RPG (manual anti -tank grenade launcher), saying that such drones in the war in Ukraine have already been used. How much a modification can be effective is in the forbes. The publication commented on the frames on which the Russians show the UAV test start with the angle of RPG-26.

The video signatures that UAVs can carry up to 12 kg of amounts, rise to a height of 800 meters and overcome to 30 km at a speed of up to 60 km/h. Among the stated features is a stabilization mode that does not discard the drone after a shot. According to the Russians, UAVs were used in the coal direction. Experts of the portal say that the accuracy of such devices is doubt.

According to them, heavy multicope-bombers have already shown their effectiveness against tanks, dropping on them the warheads of RPG or special ammunition. However, it is unknown whether grenade launchers on drones can demonstrate the same percentage of hits. "The grenade launchers are quite accurate, but shooting from them will require some skill to reach the level of accuracy already achieved by bombers," the publication said.

The experts indicated that the version of the M72 grenade launcher (almost the American equivalent of RPG-26) weighs 3. 4 kg. The reactive projectile itself weighs about 1. 8 kg, about 0. 9 kg of which falls on the warhead. Thus, the drone can carry one M72 or RPG-26 or four bombs with the same shock force each. At the same time, the publication noted that grenade launchers increase the range of lesions, which is important in the conditions of widespread distribution of radio electronic struggle (HRB).

For example, the M72 firing range is 350 meters, so a grenade launcher can affect the targets outside the area of ​​the IEC systems. Such logic is at the heart of laser bombs that Ukrainians have started using. The authors of the material also believe that an increased range of lesions can allow the use of heavy UAV-bombers in the afternoon, as they are usually launched at night. Summing up, the publication stated that the ability of UAV with grenade launchers to impress the goals so far.

However, if this approach is effective, then hundreds of Russian and Ukrainian companies will start scale. It is possible that advanced versions will be equipped with intellectual aiming systems and other improvements. "Grenade launchers can be an evolutionary deaf angle and can be a significant step forward. If so, the rest of the world will have to consider this concept or as an opportunity to be purchased, or as a threat to be resisted," experts summed up.