
"Agency dropped to a non -low level": 9 UN employees are involved in Hamas attack on Israel

In general, the investigation was conducted against 19 UNRWA staff. All the accused are men. Nine UN Agency staff to assist Palestinian refugees and the organization of work (UNWRA) may have been involved in the Hamas attack on Israel, which occurred in October 2023. They were released. About it writes Reuters. "There is a sufficient evidence to involve nine people in October 7," said UN Farhaan Hak, Deputy Spovesty Farhan Hak. He referred to the UN conclusions.

In general, the investigation was conducted against 19 UNRWA staff (two of them died). Khak said that all nine people who, according to the investigation, could be involved, were men. He did not inform the details of what particular crime they were accused of. "For us, any involvement in attacks is a great betrayal about the work we have to do on behalf of the Palestinian people," he said.

In March, Israel intensified his accusations, stating that more than 450 employees of the organization were military in Gaza terrorist groups. The Israeli military spokesman provided Shoshai published a nation on the social networking platform X. "Your Agency" Assistance "has officially dropped to a new low level, and it is time for the world to see your true face," the message said.