
Boasted in front of the Kremlin: diplomats from the Russian Federation penetrated the secret zone of the Britain Parliament

A group of Russian diplomats strolled the parliament building and accidentally entered the House of Lords. The Parliament Security Service acknowledges that it did not work perfectly. Russian diplomats were in the closed area of ​​the UK Parliament during the excursion on the eve of Christmas, which puzzled the security service staff. This was reported by the sources of the British newspaper The Guardian.

Walking inside the Parliament building, a small group of Russian Embassy diplomats at some time broke away from the excursion and entered the premises of the House of Lords, which has limited access. The guards immediately noticed them and kicked them. The interlocutors of the publication believe that such an act they just wanted to boast of the Kremlin penetration into the UK parliament. The situation for security services was not perfect, but diplomats were caught before any harm.

After that, the deputies received a written warning from the speakers of the two chambers not to invite Russian diplomats on excursions to parliament. "The safety of all those who work and attend parliament are our main priority," the representative of the parliament explained. Ambassadors, diplomats and staff of the Russian Embassy in London were banned from visiting the British Parliament in 2022, after the start of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine.