
For investigation of military crimes of the Russian Federation: Europol has created a special OSINT-group

According to Europol, 14 countries, including the United States, have already joined the OSINT-Group, created by the agency. Europol has created an operational working group (OTF) to facilitate the investigation of military crimes committed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. This was reported on the organization's website.

"The task of the operational group will be the identification of the suspects and their involvement in the likely military crimes, crimes against humanity or the crimes of genocide committed in Ukraine by collecting and analyzing intelligence data from open sources," the information is specified. As it became known, identification will be carried out by collecting and analyzing information from open sources. "In particular, social networks contain a huge array of such data.

They can help investigators. International cooperation in this direction is invaluable," Europol emphasizes. The group on the fight against international crimes of the Netherlands and Germany police is headed. In addition, the group, according to Europol, has already joined 14 countries - Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Norway, UK, USA.

According to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin, the creation of an OSINT-group is "another important milestone" in the cooperation of Ukraine and the European Union Agency for Cooperation of Law Enforcement. "Analytical support for Europol is a huge contribution to the network of comprehensive responsibility for Russia's international crimes. Thank you for standing with us for advanced justice," he added in X (Twitter).