
44 units of equipment were thrown: the Armed Forces reflected the massive storm of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Donbass (map)

According to the representative of the 79th ODSBR Orest Drymalovsky, the enemy continues to attempt to advance to the coal and does not spare resources. At the same time, the forces of defense cause harm to the Russians and do not allow them to come true. Russian invaders do not stop attempting to move forward in the Donbass and threw 44 units of equipment during one of the storms. It did not help them as a result.

Orest Drymalovsky told about it a representative of the 79 Separate Airborne Tavriya Brigade on the air of Public Radio. According to him, Ukrainian paratroopers do not allow the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to advance to the coal and Kurakhov Donetsk region. On the eve of the defense forces, a massive assault on the left flank of the coal, during which the Russians used 44 units of armored vehicles - 35 combat armored vehicles with landing and 9 tanks.

A few days later, the attack repeated, but with 20 units of armored vehicles. "Our paratroopers again very stable and courageously accepted this battle and caused the enemy to lose. They did not allow the enemy to move. In fact, they created panic in the combat order of the invaders. Because after the defeat of the first armored vehicles, Russian armored vehicles began to give back," Orest Drimalovsky said.

Near the coal, continues the representative of the 79th ODSBR press service, the enemy regularly uses the combined tactics of storms, during which he suffers enormous losses both among the personnel and among the equipment. "At the same time, hostile artillery, hostile aviation work very intensive Drones, "Orest Drymalovsky summed up. We will remind, on September 25 it was reported that the coal is trying to break through Russian DRG.