
Response to Russian aggression: Poland has suspended its participation in the weapons agreement

Deputy Foreign Minister Vladislav Bartoshevsky stated that Poland intended to break the SSE, but there was no consensus among NATO consensus allies. Poland has decided to suspend its participation in the Treaty on Ordinary Armed Forces in Europe (DZSE) in response to Russia's aggressive policy. All voters at the meetings of the National Defense Committee spoke for making this decision. This was reported on March 7 by Gazeta. pl.

During the meeting of the Seimas in foreign affairs and national defense, all 37 deputies voted for the adoption of the bill on suspension of the use of the treaty, as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladislav Theophil Bartoshevsky emphasized, suspension of the use of the treaty necessary for security, defense and interests. "The suspension of the use of the treaty should now be considered necessary for security and defense reasons, as well as the interests of Poland's foreign policy.

This step is dictated by a series of actions of Russia aimed at consciously destroying the achievements of the treaty as one of the pillars of security architecture in Europe," Bartoshevsky said. Meanwhile, the document provides only suspension, not complete denunciation of the contract. Bartoshevsky explained this by the fact that Poland wanted to terminate the treaty, but there was no consensus among NATO allies.

It should be noted that the DZSE imposes quantitative restrictions on five categories of weapons - tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, 100 millimeters and more artillery, as well as combat aircraft and helicopters. According to the rules of the contract, more than 40 thousand tanks, 60 thousand armored vehicles, 40 thousand artillery tools, 13. 6 thousand units of combat aircraft and 4 thousand shock helicopters were limited.