
The Red Cross of the Russian Federation is not excluded from the International Federation: the Ombudsman reacted, details

The Commissioner for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets noted that in his report on the activities of the Russian Red Cross there are no materials on the likely crimes of this organization. The International Federation of the Red Cross (IFCH), despite the likely criminal acts, did not exclude the Russian Red Cross from its composition. This was reported by the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets.

In order to investigate the actions of the Russian Red Cross, in April, the IFRC created a supervisory group of board, which was to investigate the activities of the Russian Red Cross (RFC). As a result, the Federation published a report on RFC. According to the Ombudsman, the Federation actually recognized the occupation of the Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions. The report states that the Russian Red Cross visited the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Dmitry Lubinets stressed that this is a violation of the Federation Charter from the RFC, since the Russian Red Cross should only work in its territory. These actions also violate Ukraine's territorial integrity, but the Federation justified all "innovative approaches" and "humanitarian" goals. The Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights noted the lack of information on theft of property of the Ukrainian Red Cross in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

Dmitry Lubinets stressed that criminal proceedings were opened on this fact. In addition, the IFRC did not condemn the RFC in the deportation and forced movement of Ukrainian children and their militarization. The document does not contain information about the RFC with the Tabor "Artek", the director of which has sanctions for involvement in the deportation of Ukrainian children.

The Ombudsman stressed that all the documents and materials were handed over to the IFCC presidents Kate Forbs, but they were not taken into account in the report. Nevertheless, the Russian Red Cross remains in the IFRC, and the leader in the reign of the Federation. "I am currently launching a campaign of informing all the donors that finance the Federation. International partners have to pay attention to the contributions to the organization that covers Russian crimes.

I think that all IFRC funding should be directed to the financing of the National Red Cross Society of Ukraine and the implementation of additional programs In my opinion, the IFRC has turned into a lawyer of the Bloody Russian Red Cross, ”Dmitry Lubinets added. It should be reminded that the Ukrainian military from the NSU "Azov" brigade, who returned from the Russian captivity, told about the inaction of the Red Cross in order to exchange prisoners of war.