
The Crimea came up with a new projectile for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: undermines and disrupts radio electronics

Engineers have stated that the new combat unit can beat planes and helicopters in parking lots, anti-aircraft and operative-tactical missile systems. In the occupied Crimea, engineers from the Black Sea Higher Naval School. Nakhimova (Sevastopol) received a patent for an invention called "combat part of the ammunition of combined action". According to the developers, it will help not only destroy the equipment of the Armed Forces, but also disrupt electronic systems, TASS reports.

Engineers emphasize that the combat part performs three functions: a fragmentation projectile, an inflammatory projectile, and an electromagnetic lesion. They also reported that this new combat unit can be installed on 100 mm and 130mm artillery shells and on the controlled and unmanaged types of missiles. The news agency notes that new type shells can be used on planes and helicopters on Earth, and will also be able to attack anti-aircraft and operational-tactical missile systems.

The Federal Institute of Industrial Property issued by the patent reported that this device will be able to increase the combat capability of missiles and other shells. The patent documentation states that the combat part is a metal shell containing an explosive (which is not specified - ed. ) And inflammatory elements, which during the explosion flies into many fragments. The device also has an explosive magnetic cumulative generator.