
Lost commanders: in Kharkiv region the Russians refuse to go into battle, - Khortytsia fell out

According to the spokesman, Khortytsia was Nazar Voloshin, sabotage among the invaders occurs at the level of specific units and at the level of individual refusals. Due to the significant loss and death of commanders, the personnel of the Russian occupation army in Kharkiv refuses to carry out the assigned combat missions. The spokesman of the operational-strategic group of Khortytsa troops informed about it TV channel "Espresso".

"Numerous cases of refusal of hostile personnel are observed, in particular from the assault detachment of the 153rd tank regiment of the 47th Tank Division of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to perform tasks. Said Voloshin. He specified that such refusals occur at the level of specific units and at the level of individual refusals. "Therefore, they (occupiers, editors) are not so good.

In the Vovchansky direction, Ukrainian defenders knock out small tactical groups of enemy, represented by the 153rd tank regiment of the 47th Tank Division. They were stopped there and rejected, "Voloshin said. The Khortytsia spokesman also reported that there were six combat clashes last day, including near Vovchansk and Lipts. "The enemy is lost.

As a result of hostilities, about 120 enemy invaders, several units of weapons and military equipment, tanks, artillery, anti -tank means, 5 units of special equipment were destroyed," Voloshin stressed. We will remind, on June 28 the edition of Forbes published a material stating that the Armed Forces were defeated under the Vovchansky elite 83-Airborne Brigade of the Russian Federation.