
The Russians went into the coal: whether the occupiers can break through the front and what will happen to the city

The Ukrainian military has long been defending the coal in the Donbass. However, the enemy managed to penetrate the outskirts of the city, which creates a danger to the Armed Forces and the further situation at the front. Focus tells about possible scenarios for developments in this area. On the morning of September 24, the Lieutenant of the Armed Forces with the call sign "Alex" reported that the Russian soldiers entered the extreme streets of Colonel.

According to him, small enemy assault groups were included in the settlement, while there was no powerful rolled. "It can be concluded that at the moment there is a gray zone. On September 23, Konstantin Mashovets's military observer wrote in his Telegram that society needs to be morally and psychologically ready for the fact that the forces of defense will depart from Selidovo, Toretsk and Coal in Donbass. He stressed that in the near future it is a probable scenario of events.

According to Oleksandr Musienko, the head of the Center for Military Legal Research, Ukrainian fighters have been brilliantly defense and maintained. "The past few weeks, all the maintenance of the coal was reduced to the large groups of Russian troops, prevent them from moving in Kurakhiv and Pokrovskaya and destroying them as much as possible, taking into account the favorable positions of our defense in the colmedar area," Focus said, " Musienko.

He noted that the defense forces successfully used all the heights, the capabilities of the landscape and geography, which are in the carbon in order to defend themselves as long as possible. The key to the enemy is not now in Kurakhovo and Pokrovsk in the fact that the coal has last long and still does it. In particular, it helped regroup Ukrainian defense in the Pokrovsk region and take additional measures and prevent the enemy rapidly advanced.

Musienko noted that if the situation is deteriorating and the invaders will be successful, then the Ukrainian group will most likely gradually depart from the coal. However, this will happen to be unattended in order not to allow the Russians to break through the front line. "And this is what can actually happen in the future. Fighting is still going on, so far our contingent is holding on, the enemy is forced to throw great forces, well, our fighters are performing the task," the expert said.

The military expert, the Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleg Zhdanov reported focus that the entry of the invaders on the outskirts of the coal creates a "shameful scenario" for Ukraine. He believes that the forces of defense are unlikely to protect the coal, because the enemy is "very strongly". The expert stressed that the 72nd brigade did not allow to supplement the losses of personnel.

It turned out that the brigade did not go to the rotation, and she also lacked a personnel for defense fighting. "I understand that the rotation on the flanks took place on the right and left of the coal, there were troops of territorial defense units that did not receive positions, did not withstand the pressure from the Russian troops. Today, the coal is half -authorized, the consequences will be very heavy," Oleg Zhdanov said, " .

The military expert, the Colonel of the Armed Forces, the ex -school of the General Staff Vladislav Seleznev said in a conversation with focus that the situation is extremely difficult because the Russian army is already in fact in the gray zone to the southeast of the coal, through a country array in the area of ​​multi -storey building.

"The complexity is not only due to the fact that the battles begin to happen in the territory of this settlement, but that the settlement is actually half -duty. There is literally a few kilometers left to the Russians to close these clogs. surrounded, " - said Seleznyov. However, the expert is convinced that the Ukrainian military leadership will act rationally, while the lives of warriors are more important than the square kilometers left. He believes that further maneuver defense is possible.

While to strengthen the garrison of the 72nd Brigade in Villagledar is probably too late, and the position of Russian and Ukrainian troops in this area of ​​the front is such that other variants were not actually left, the issue of time is when the enemy takes control, Seleznyov noted. In addition, the crisis level can be called two more positions - the area of ​​Toretsk and Selidovo. There, according to Vladislav Seleznov, the situation is extremely unfavorable.

According to Oleksandr Musienko, the enemy improves his tactical position in terms of the capture of the coal and the surrounding heights. As a result, it creates appropriate prospects for Russians - improving the situation, but at a very high cost. Ukrainian troops are forcing the enemy to pay even more. In particular, the Russians entered the outskirts of the city with big battles, difficult. The situation is not as easy for them as it may seem.

Zhdanov recalled that last summer in the area, the Russians built several hundred wagons to create a obstacle in the Surovikin line. "This is a railway that goes to Donetsk from Volnovakha. And now there is information that they (Russians, ed. ) Are cleared this railway, they are preparing. As soon as they take the coal, they will immediately restore the railway. directions on the Russian side in Donetsk region, "the expert explained.

Zhdanov is convinced that the loss of the city can be equated with the prompt success of Russian troops. After all, you can go to Pokrovsk from the carbon, where a large environment of Ukrainian troops is possible, so you will have to depart. The enemy can also turn south and go to Gulyaypole and Orichi of the Zaporizhzhya region. "There will be a cut, possible reversals to Zaporizhzhya. Therefore, the coal (loss-ed. ) Is very, very bad.

And it is unclear why the General Staff failed to cope with the staffing of the brigade and the rotation on the flanks from the coal," he said. . The colonel believes that it is hardly possible to correct the situation, because it is necessary to enter fresh reserves. "And as I understand, there are no reserves. Considering those statements made by President Zelensky, who from 14 formed brigades barely staffed four, and the rest lacks equipment and weapons, I do not know . . .

see if you see if you already see if already They put territorial defense there, which is not able to withstand the combat units of the regular Russian army, then I do not even know who can be put there today, "the expert added. Seleznyov said that the enemy protects his railway route in the south of Donetsk region. When the Ukrainian guns were in the area of ​​coal, the enemy was unable to actively use this branch of the railway connection and Volnovakha station.

Only the enemy will be able to move the guns a few kilometers from the city, the Ukrainian side remains only rocket weapons in order to influence the logistics of Russian troops in this direction, and therefore the Russians receive a certain head rate. After all, key transportation of military importance is carried out by rail. We will remind, on September 17 military expert Vladislav Seleznev reported that the loss of a carbon for Ukraine can create a big problem.