
The exchange of prisoners: the Russian Federation returns Ukrainian women only under a certain condition - "Azov Angels"

According to the head of the patronage service Elena Tolkacheva, it is difficult to return any Ukrainian from hostile captivity and there is a serious problem with the exchange of women. The Russians do "not quite adequately". The Russians do not give Ukrainian women together with the wounded fighters, as the Geneva Conventions require. The enemy exchanges them exclusively for combatant military. Olena Tolkachova, the head of the Azov Azov Patronage Service, told this on the air of Ukrainian Radio.

On Friday, September 13, 49 citizens returned home, who had been in Russian captivity for many months. For the first time, women, including civilians for the first time in a long time, are among the liberated ones. The head of the Azov Angels patronage service shared who to pull out of hostile captivity and what the wrong steps are the Russians. "In fact, it is difficult to release anyone, there are no separate categories here.

We cannot predict how the enemy will behave, since it is absolutely haphazard, illogical. The difficulty is only that they do not give women just with the wounded, although they have them at the Geneva Convention Simply pass on to the opposite side. - said Elena Tolkachova. The task of the Ukrainian side in the issue of returning citizens is to try to conduct a dialogue with the enemy and on favorable conditions to pick up boys and girls.

It is about both servicemen and civilians, which Russia is held by. Due to the principles of the aggressor it is not always possible to do so. We will remind, on September 13 it was reported that from captivity it was possible to return the Marpich Oleg Nechayev, which was captured by the Russians in April 2022. In almost 30 months, he will be able to meet his family. The sister of the warrior Maria Chernykina said she had already talked with her brother, who was very dead and started smoking.