
On the sunken VDC "Caesar Kunykov" could be weapons and equipment - GUR

In the translated Ukrainian intelligence, the conversation of the invaders, the Russian pilot confirms that the large landing ship of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation remained "oily heel". The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has intercepted radio intervals of Russians from the place of destruction of the large landing ship "Caesar Kunykov". The conversation of Russian military intelligence officers was posted on Telegram.

The quality of the record is not the best, but it is possible to understand that the occupiers confirm the destruction of "Caesar Kunykov". "I get the breakdown and oily five," the Russian pilot states. According to intelligence, Russian Helicopters KA-52 and Mu-8 are inspected by the lady of the landing ship. Retrans information of the military-transport aircraft An-26 of the CCSU of the Russian Federation.

"The large landing ship" Caesar Kunikov "for ten days was in the parking lot near a specialized mooring wall (the so -called" Blind "), from which the occupiers carry out the loading of ships by military weapons and equipment," they added to GUR. During the flooding "Caesar Kunykov" was loaded, they claim in the Razavidka. Recall that Ukrainian drones of Magura V5 shot down the large Russian landing ship "Caesar Kunikov" in the Black Sea in the Black Sea in the morning, February 14.