
As in the novel "10 Negroes": in China, the Minister of Defense disappeared after visit to the Russian Federation and Belarus - FT

The head of the Ministry of Defense of China Lee Shanfe, who has not appeared in public since late August, is the last of several high -ranking Chinese officials who have disappeared without explanation. In the US, it is believed that it is removed from office and is under investigation. The US Government believes that the disappearance of China Lee Shanfe's defense is another feature of riots in the military and foreign political establishment of Beijing. About it reports Financial Times.

The sources of publication that have access to the US intelligence said Washington is convinced that Lee Shanfe has removed from the performance of the Minister of Defense. According to The Wall Street Journal, the unclear absence of 65-year-old li continues a series of recent disappearances of other high-ranking officials.

In July, Beijing suddenly removed Qin Ghan from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, which disappeared from the field of view without explaining the reasons a month earlier. A few days later, Xi Jinping dismissed two higher generals of the missile forces of the People's Liberation Army, who smoke the Chinese Arsenal of Large Rocket and Nuclear Weapons, which is rapidly expanding. Officially, the White House does not comment on this information.

The Chinese Embassy in the US has refused comment. Reuters quoted Vietnamese officials on Thursday, who said that Lee suddenly canceled the meeting last week. Ram Emanuel, US Ambassador to Japan, provoked rumors of Lee last week when he posted on social network X (earlier Twitter) that the Chinese government "now reminiscent of Agatha Christie's novel" 10 Negroes ". "10 Negroes".

Initially, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Qin Gan disappears, then the missile commanders disappear, and now two weeks of defense Minister Lee Shanfe is not visible in public. Who will win these unemployment races? China's youth or Cabinet of Xinpin? " - he wrote with the hashtag #Mysteryinbeijingbuilding. On Friday, Emanuel published another post about the disappearance Noting that Lee is missing at the planned meeting with the Navy Commander Singapore.

Lee investigation raises the question of how effective the campaign is, which Xi Jinping leads against corruption in China's Armed Forces. "If the removal of the Minister of Defense and missile troops occurred through corruption, it indicates that the process of selection of SI during the appointment of senior officials is deeply false, and suggests that corruption is a common phenomenon in the system, despite a ten -year campaign. " Said Dennis Wilder, a former CIA expert from NVAK.

Wilder added that the equipment department, which was previously called the general weapons department, has a long history of the "worst corruption" within the Chinese army. As the Minister of Defense, Lee was mostly engaged in military diplomacy. He last appeared in public on August 29, when he spoke at the China and Africa Security Conference in Beijing.