
The infantry of the Armed Forces learns to storm positions using motorcycles (video)

High mobility of motorcycles makes it possible to reduce the stay of soldiers in the open area, but despite the speed, such vehicles often become easy goals for FPV-pins and artillery. In recent days, Russian propaganda has been spreading a video that demonstrates infantry training with motorcycles. Video materials, published in one of the Telegram channels, show how Russian soldiers move on two on motorcycles, reach improvised trenches, rush and start storming.

Commenting on the staff of the enemy's attack aircraft, the "militaristic" observers write that in the real combat conditions the success of such operations depends largely on the speed of detection and response of the enemy, as well as the availability of effective means of damage at the positions of defenders. It was also noted that Russian troops are not for the first time using high -mobility equipment, such as motorcycles and motorcycles, in their assault.

In addition to direct involvement in the assaults, motorcycles and motovidies are used to deliver provisions, ammunition and infantry to positions, as well as for the transportation of mobile anti -tank and anti -duty calculations. The high mobility of these vehicles allows to reduce the time of stay in the open area, which reduces the likelihood of their detection and defeat by the enemy.

Meanwhile, despite their maneuverability and speed, such vehicles often become easy goals for FPV and artillery. And the lack of reservation significantly reduces the chances of a crew for survival in case of fire. Experts recalled that in early May, the Ukrainian military from the 79th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade successfully repelled the storm and destroyed a group of Russian soldiers moving on motorcycles.