
Long hand GUR: As Dron-Kamikadze CR destroys the objects of the Russians during special operations

The shock drone applies accurate damage to hostile objects at an operational distance. It is used by GUR in its special operations. The CR drone is in service with the General Intelligence Directorate and destroys warehouses, headquarters and logistics in the enemy's operational rear. He was told on the Brave Inventers platform. Dron Kamikadze CR causes accurate strokes on the enemy's objects during special reconnaissance operations.

It is capable of operating up to 150 km under the influence of enemy remedies. The drone has the following characteristics: UAV CR is equipped with an electric engine and is based solely on electronics of its own production, which distinguishes it from many other models and provides extended opportunities. The flight control system is based on the universal multi -processor CR V3. 151. The drone has a satellite and specialized fast radio system of telemetry and teams.

There are optical, inertial and interference from CRPA-GNSS navigation and guidance. The use of own technologies allows you not to depend on extraneous scarce components and to go beyond the technological framework of existing serial samples. GUR uses at least a few different UAV models in his own operations. According to the head of intelligence Kirill Budanov, his units had to get the drones of EOS C VTol. These are reconnaissance unmanned aircraft.

The design gives UAVs the opportunity to fly and land in all conditions. Also, the aircraft can take off vertically and then plan in the air, leaving the minimum heat. Its camera makes it possible to find a target up to 15 km away. Also, the department received reconnaissance unmanageable devices "Mara" of Ukrainian production. They are capable of flying and resistant to the effects of EWS systems. Also UAV is racks to exposure to gusty wind up to 20 meters per second.