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Saudi Arabia is ready to invest twice as much as the US in its own semiconductor...

In the US and China, a competitor appeared in the chip war: invests $ 100 billion in semiconductors

Saudi Arabia is ready to invest twice as much as the US in its own semiconductor industry and wants to produce its circuits. Saudi Arabia intends to enter the semiconductor market. In this regard, a company called ALAT, whose capital will be $ 100 billion, will be founded in the country, Vloomberg reports. The new manufacturer of modern ALAT processors will be headed by Avit Midha-Dell Technologies Explore in Asia-Pacific and Japan.

The tasks of Medch will include the creation of businesses, as well as a bribe for developers. The company will also invest in extraneous developments, including startups from other countries, but the main thing that it will focus on - the localization of processors production in Saudi Arabia. Vloomberg estimated that Saudi Arabia has allocated 2 times more funds for the development of the semiconductor industry than $ 100 billion compared to the United States.

America, for its part, has invested $ 50 billion in its developers within the framework of the Chip Law to compete on China and continue to put pressure on this country. The publication also reminded that the EU China and EU countries are also constantly investing budget funds in the hope of winning the technological war. However, their investment is much more modest than in Saudi Arabia. The official presentation of the ALAT project will take place on February 20.

Then the details of its activity will be voiced, and while the media reminds that the release of electric trucks will be established on the Arabian Peninsula. They come under the American brand Lucid, the South Korean Hyundai Motor and under the local brand Ceer. Chips for these machines are purchased from Foxconn. Most likely, the country will give up Foxconn services when it will establish its own production of processors.