
Commanders send to the right death: the Russian Federation in May lost more than 1000 soldiers a day - NYT

According to journalists, the changing nature of the modern war in the last few months has increased the number of losses. The drones simplified for both sides the task of stopping and attacking the enemy's forces. May 2024 was an extremely dangerous month for Russian soldiers in Ukraine. During the month, more than a thousand Russian servicemen stationed in the occupied regions of Ukraine were killed or injured.

About it writes the New York Times with reference to statements of American, British and other Western intelligence. Despite these losses, the Russian Federation recruits 25-30 thousand new servicemen on a monthly basis-about as much as it leaves the battlefield, representatives of US officials say.

This allowed the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to send troops to attack a wave for a wave on Ukrainian positions, hoping to create pressure on defense and to achieve a breakthrough through trenches. Russian soldiers are thrown into the meat grinder, and their commanders, apparently, understand that they send subordinates for the right death, writes the US edition. From time to time, such tactics were effective - Russian troops sought some success in Avdiivka and Bakhmuta.

But, according to Western and Ukrainian officials, this spring, this approach was no longer so effective when the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation tried to seize territories in Kharkiv region. Representatives of the United States, who refer to journalists, say that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have achieved the important purpose of President Vladimir Putin - created the so -called buffer zone that prevents Ukrainians from striking.

At the same time, the offensive in Kharkiv region did not create a threat to the regional center of Kharkiv and eventually the defense of the Armed Forces stopped the pressure. "President Putin and Moscow really tried to achieve big goals, to break through the front lines this spring," said Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, who is coming. "They tried and calculated. They have achieved a very little advance and pay a very high price.

" During the offensive in the Kharkiv region, there were sometimes the most intense battles during the war in Ukraine. Britain estimates that an average of 1,200 people per day died in May. The Russian military reports on losses due to drones, shoots from small arms and artillery. "The use of infantry in wave attacks indicates one of its advantages in this war: the population is much more than in Ukraine, that is, a pool of potential recruits is much wider," the journalists said.

But high losses make the Russian Federation send the new soldiers fairly quickly, that is, soldiers fall on the forefront of poorly prepared. This does not allow the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to create more capable units. "The nature of the modern war, in the last few months, has increased the number of losses. The ubiquitous drones have simplified for both sides the task of stopping and attacking the enemy's forces.

Through mines, cassette ammunition of movement by open terrain is transformed into suicide," the journalists say. US Defense Head Lloyd Austin recently stated that since the beginning of a full -scale invasion, the Russian army has lost in Ukraine - wounded or killed - 350,000 soldiers. But according to the UK, more than 500,000 were killed or wounded.

In the estimates of losses, US representatives rely on satellite data, records of intercepted negotiations, data from social networks and news agencies, as well as official reports of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. But these grades differ, there is no common opinion among representatives of the US government. It should be reminded that on June 27, the forces of Ukraine's defense blocked the logistics of the Russians near Lipts.